Passing the last third of this bowl of SWRA in a straight black sandblast undated Savinelli Hercules 115EX pot with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
Got up very early this morning, and heard Sam the Scamp at the back door. I let him in to eat, and after that, he laid by my side for a snooze. He sure is turning into a butterball. Harry the Hairy showed up to eat, and left as soon as he finished. At the end of my second set of walks, Abner the Eager (who’s been here most of the day) was waiting for me. When Sam the Scamp came over to me, Abner laid down by my feet to block him. After a five minute stand off, I walked to the deck, and they followed me to eat. After Abner ate, he saw a squirrel and chased it up a tree. He never gets close to squirrels, but he never stops trying. Sam just stood there and watched Abner’s futility. Tomato the Brave was on the lounge, and watched those two with a little amusement with a classic cat yawn.
![TomatoLoungeYawns.jpg TomatoLoungeYawns.jpg](