My home blend (Valentine's Cake) in a Tsuge,
...2017 Lancer's Slices in a Musicò (Yum!),
...and some Old Joe Krantz Blue, with a soupçon of Ennerdale's ghost, in my David Huber.
Waiting for my daughter to get out of dance yet again. So as of now I have just over an hour left to kill. Bowl 3 tonight is more Briar Fox. This little Zippo tin has been great for keeping a few bowls in!
As Flaketastic February draws to a close, a bit of Hamborger Veermaster flake in the delicate and storied Lorenzo Sponge Chimney. With some Pineapple IPA and the next chapter of "In Search of Pipe Dreams."
Just finishing this bowl of year 2013 Capstan Gold in a straight black 1932 Dunhill R double patent shell pot with a vernon tenon and a tapered black vulcanite stem.