Now Smoking: After 2 hours cleaning about 20 very dirty pipes, I've packed it in for the night; and now, easing
waaay back in my recliner, all 3 dogs curled up in front of the fireplace, lights: super low, soft yellow glow, The Who's
Tommy playing moderately quiet, as I enjoy my last bowl of the night: C&D's
Blockade Runner ( aka: Latakia-Free
Black Frigate), exceptionally dry, as I prefer it; and, smoked in a beloved little pipe which had gone "missing" down behind the pipe rack, a now VERY clean Rattray's
The Good Deal 99 - a wonderful little 4" rusticated apple with acrylic bent stem.
With this post, and as I reach the end the of LP and this bowl, I bid you, my Brothers-of-the-Briar, a very good night; indeed. -
Sherm Natman