Three bowls today, starting with fresh Ennerdale in a Vauen Classic Bent, then Presbyterian in a Ropp Stout, and a home blend of equal parts Frosty Mint, Vanilla Custard and Dark Bird's Eye smoked in a Savinelli Mega Lumberman.

The tin is nicely vacuum sealed and opened with a hiss.
Though after opening it is not secure anymore so I've got some elastics on the tin for now but will most likely move it to a jar, I wouldn't want to keep it in the tin for longer than a week.
Grab a flake and chop it up.
Rubbed out thoroughly and then loaded into my dedicated Lakeland pipe.
Compared to my past memories of Ennerdale I can't say this batch is very impressive, it does seem the sauce is toned down, but then this stuff also burned quite well so it also seems like they're shipping the tobacco quite dry compared to what it used to be like, which is going to be a good thing for a lot of people because just about everyone is going to dry their flakes before smoking, except I always like my aromatics as fresh as possible so it's "possible" that the moisture content makes all the difference.
I'll have to experiment with re-hydrating the rest and see if that makes it more full flavored.
Here's the three pipes all loaded and ready for a trip to the barn.