I’m on it Pappy! Always hunting for new tobacco, thanks for the recommendation!Beeker St. is great stuff. If you haven't already, I'd recommend trying his Surbrug 71st street. It also has that wonderful nougat flavor in it.
Hey @Sobrbiker , I like all your input on this thread, pipe smoking and otherwise, this is interesting stuff. Thank youSame as trees, poles, walls-they get hit, or don’t get taken care of and gravity does its thing.
This one was a case of (what’s very common) cop exaggeration. I drove 30 miles in expecting a “large cactus in the road” and found this little 10-12ft saguaro across sidewalk and bike lane. The landscapers can explain it’s just falling over, I think the roots/base just dried and died. It’s been very dry all year, so I could just roll this guy with a pickaxe where I wanted it. After a wet season they get very heavy.
Others have been really big ones in medians that drunks/bad drivers have tried to drive up, that have needed a couple backhoes to get out of street.
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@Ben.R.C ……That statement is spot on my friend! I’m always looking and finding loopholes in my finances to continue my obsession. I don’t own a Falcon and I really need one, excuse me while I finish this purchaseIt seems part of the art of pipe collecting is figuring out how to continue to collect when there is no $. I’m getting pretty good at this!Chenet’s cake in my Eltang lumberman smoking machine.
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I thought PAD was incurable. Though a lengthy quarantine off these forums would probably diminish the frequency of the seizures.A speedy recovery from PAD (pipe acquisition disorder). I suppose their are worse illnesses, lol. Yes, you will be prosperous afterwards.
Nice smoke booger.FVF Burnt Ends in a very cold Swiss evening.
Can’t really tell the difference between it and standard FVF. It’s just a good Virginia. Possible issue can be that it hasn’t fully dried 6 hours after being cube cut.