Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I've passed the last third of this bowl of year 2012 Dan Tobacco Treasures of Ireland: Limerick in a straight smooth dark brown year 1912 Hall & Fitzgerald cased HFB billiard with a tapered black vulcanite stem and orific bit. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Abner the Eager was waiting for me when I went out for my first set of walks today, stayed much of the day and evening inside. He wanted out about a half hour ago, but must have thought better about being a short hair cat in the cold because he was waiting me when I took out the trash. He ate and is snoozin' on top of my chair. Tomato the Brave went out with me, and Harry the Hairy chased him away. Daisy the Feral Princess played it safe and stayed inside.