***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and green beans dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm not far from finishing this bowl of year 2014 Dunhill Flake in a straight smooth dark brown 1916 Barling The Hunt with beautiful silver work and a black vulcanite saddle stem with an orific bit. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
Nov 20, 2022
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and green beans dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm not far from finishing this bowl of year 2014 Dunhill Flake in a straight smooth dark brown 1916 Barling The Hunt with beautiful silver work and a black vulcanite saddle stem with an orific bit. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
View attachment 266763
What a great lunting pipe!
Dec 3, 2021
Pennsylvania & New York
It’s hard to believe I’ve been posting in this forum for two years now. I made my introductory post on December 3, 2021. It’s too hard to pin down, but this entry from ten days later might’ve been the first post I made regarding what pipe and tobacco I was about to smoke, but it wasn’t in a WAYS thread.

Anyway, I’m going to celebrate this little anniversary with the same pipe and tobacco. Going to have Peterson Nightcap in a 1976 Dunhill Shell Briar 52 HU Oom Paul (marked "NOT FOR SALE").




Jan 7, 2020
PMF Recovery Center
It’s hard to believe I’ve been posting in this forum for two years now. I made my introductory post on December 3, 2021. It’s too hard to pin down, but this entry from ten days later might’ve been the first post I made regarding what pipe and tobacco I was about to smoke, but it wasn’t in a WAYS thread.

Anyway, I’m going to celebrate this little anniversary with the same pipe and tobacco. Going to have Peterson Nightcap in a 1976 Dunhill Shell Briar 52 HU Oom Paul (marked "NOT FOR SALE").

View attachment 266771

View attachment 266772
Good thing you got it for free 😉
Jun 16, 2018
Athens, Greece
The week has already started in this part of the world.
After a quick breakfast I am smoking some rubbed SG Balkan Flake in a small clay pipe and drinking a shot of coffee. Was a while out of the Forum, so now I am reading back the posts in this thread and like to wish all the best to you JimInks for your birthday, may you always have health and a warm heart.
Next, I will type on the PC some handwritten lines and then off to work.
Have a nice week good people!

SG Balkan Flake - clay pipe.jpg

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
Today's afternoon bowl was my first try of C&D Sansepolcro in a Foyard Rhodesian. Meh...will definitely try it once more (probably in a cob), but I see myself likely trading/selling this one off. Little on the strong side.

Oh well, they can't all be gems.

Bird report: California scrub-jay, Dark-eyed junco, California towhee, Spotted towhee, White-crowned sparrow, Common raven, and Steller's jay.

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