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Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
WCC Rouxgaroux (fall 2023).


We know :)

You stocked up on it?
Half a tin left. Amazing how long it takes to go through 8 oz. That's like, 100-150 smokes in an average sized bowl. Half a pound is a bit much to take a gamble on, but the base being burley and ODF made that decision a little easier for me.. I'm just glad I did and like it as much as I do—easily one of my top 5 aros (through, I don't smoke many aros either). I dunno what I am going to do in 2-3 months when I finally run out, I'll have to pick one of the 100+ other blends I have in the cabinet.
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Jun 16, 2018
Athens, Greece
Drinking coffee and smoking some Weinig no7 in a George Leoussis pipe. Will drink and smoke some here, in the house, and the rest while driving. I have to do some shopping today. But also to collect the annual pipe of year 2024, exclusively made for the members of the Greek Pipe Club, directly from the carver's workshop.
I absolutely did not need another pipe, but this is not just a pipe, it's the "the annual pipe of year 2024, exclusively made for the members of the Greek Pipe Club".
I hope you understand me good people...

Weinnig no 7 - George Leoussis pipe.jpg
Pipeclub.gr 2024 pipe.jpg


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Half way through this bowl of Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend.

It's been four days since I've seen Tomato the Brave. He's been elsewhere before, but this is the longest length of time he's been away. I hope he's okay. As big as Tomato has become, I suspect he's eating elsewhere which is fine with me as long as he's happy. Daisy the Feral Princess mostly sticks around here, and the others come and go.

Sam the Scamp was rather funny today. He stood at the corner of my driveway during the second half of my first set of today's walking reps, and complained loudly that I was going back up the street, and not paying attention to him. When I came back that way on the next and last lap, he ran after me with constant meows. I picked him up, and carried the loudly purring little boy the length of five houses and brought him inside to eat. After that, Sam jumped on my lap, curled up, and took nap. He growled when I picked him up and put him outside, but Molly Danger came into the den, and there would be a scene had I kept Sam inside. At least he left with a full belly. I must say that cat growls more than any cat I've ever known.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
A Pre 54 Marxman pipe is not for everybody. Four bowls ago it looked like this.


I’ve finished a delicious bowl of 1792. The pipe is indescribablly delicious and never got hot to hold, and I clenched it and handled with a rag to make sure that’s not oil from my hands.

The pipe soaks up beeswax like a sponge.


Wax traps something that oozes out of the butter soft briar. This is the most dramatic coloring of any Marxman I own but all will color like this, most evenly and not from the bottom of the bowl up. On this one are lines (growth rings?) about a hundred to the inch and those are what colored almost black.

No fancy grained, beautiful artisan pipe could be made from briar that will turn nearly black in a week.

But if you get a taste for these, you’re hooked.:)

Look how shallow the colors are. A light sanding with 4/0 steel wool restored it to this. The next few times I smoke it, that dark reddish brown color will come right back.


Did Marx use an oil cure?

Or could that possibly be tars from the smoke or tannins in the briar?
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