50 degrees this morning, so I had to take advantage. After our usual Shabbat breakfast of eggs, turkey bacon and buttermilk biscuits (and coffee, of course...I'd fly into a murderous rage without it), I went right outside for a bowl of Drew Estate Gatsby Luxury Flake in my Stefano Santambrogio bent Rhodesian. Wifey even kept me company w/a cigarillo. The clock is ticking though...starting Tuesday, we're getting rain every day for a week plus.
Bird report: California towhee, Oak titmouse, White-breasted nuthatch, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, House finch, Dark-eyed junco, California thrasher, White-crowned sparrow, and Common raven. Just had a lox & bagels lunch, and preparing to get my ass kicked at Scrabble. Again.
This smoke was dedicated to my paternal grandmother, who would be 104 today.
Merry X-mas all!