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Wow... I really can't get enough of this Vertical Limit by Cascadia. I'm trying to get a good feel for it so I can write a review, but I'm having a hard time thinking of any concrete descriptions. Everything I want to say about it is very weird and vague... like "it has the flavors of grandfathers and contemplation". Plus it's damn strong. Great, great stuff. I'm smoking it from my favorite unmarked straight grain pipe.

The Clay King

(Formerly HalfDan)
Oct 2, 2018
Chesterfield, UK


Nov 29, 2020
Newhaven England
Thank you Jim, I may at some time sample this one and find my hesitance to have been unfounded. But, while others are fighting for it and swiping shelves clean in a single bound, I'll wait.
Do you notice a Bothy Flake, VooDoo Queen similarity? I was sort of shocked, because I had thought that Bothy was rather unique, and I have had VooDoo Queen years ago, but I didn't recall this fruitiness.
I agree with Jim, the chocolate is barely noticeable, I actually prefer GH’s Louisiana Flake which is a chocolate topped VaPer, again it’s pretty subtle.


Dec 9, 2016
Mayer AZ
Some two year old C&D Bayou Morning in a smooth Royal Duke apple that I removed the awful lacquer from with my wife's nail polish remover and one of her cotton make up pads. Oddly, the pipe now has a beautiful matte brown finish and all the red color is gone. It appears the lacquer itself was tinted red so the cotton pad was red. This pipe smokes great (no filter for me) and has become one of my favorites. And it's American!
Whoops! I left out Dr Grabow in the description.


Nov 29, 2020
Newhaven England
Wow... I really can't get enough of this Vertical Limit by Cascadia. I'm trying to get a good feel for it so I can write a review, but I'm having a hard time thinking of any concrete descriptions. Everything I want to say about it is very weird and vague... like "it has the flavors of grandfathers and contemplation". Plus it's damn strong. Great, great stuff. I'm smoking it from my favorite unmarked straight grain pipe.
View attachment 113890
I’m generally not keen on Lakeland style blends but I found the Vertical to be quite subtle. My favourite of the five plugs that Cascadia put out are the Open Water and Trailhead. The Downwind is also a very solid blend and somewhat reminiscent of Original (Walnut) Plug by Ogden’s. I believe all five were based very closely on now defunct blends.


I’m generally not keen on Lakeland style blends but I found the Vertical to be quite subtle. My favourite of the five plugs that Cascadia put out are the Open Water and Trailhead. The Downwind is also a very solid blend and somewhat reminiscent of Original (Walnut) Plug by Ogden’s. I believe all five were based very closely on now defunct blends.
You would consider Vertical Limit "Lakeland style"? I didn't really get that from it.


Nov 29, 2020
Newhaven England
Three Kings in a cherry wood, I don’t think this is by Ropp however, no name anyway.

All the talk about Ogden’s Walnut has made me bring out my very very old Walnut Plug, this is pre WWll I believe, at least judging by the font on the label. Three weeks of careful hydration brought it back to life and it’s actually an amazing smoke. This is a very generous gift by a fellow member. image.jpg


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Now smoking this bowl from a first production tin (2013) of Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. You knew I'd get to this after I did emergency reviewing. ;)
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
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