Good strong C&D Big'n'Burley in a Jerry Perry smooth freehand pocket pipe carved from a somewhat unusual wood for pipes, cocobolo, which requires some safety awareness for carving. It's a nifty compact pipe with jaunty asymmetry with a snazzy deep orange/amber colored stem. Jerry doesn't sell online, only at The Village of Yesteryear at the N.C. State Fair in October, and the TAPS pipe show, when it happens, in April. However he does do pipe repair from a site online. He works in briar, maple, and mountain laurel, but I believe the cocobolo was a one-off. In addition to this and another pocket pipe, a sort of tomato shape with a sturdy thick amber-color stem, I have several of his full-size pipes in briar and mountain laurel. He's sort of a best kept secret for North Carolina pipe smokers, out there in Colfax, N.C., toward the mountains.