Celebrating a new all-time record (again) for gold with a full flake of Mac Baren Vanilla Flake in the Brobdingnagian chamber of an Al Pascia meer, paired with a small pour of Johnnie Walker red on the rocks. I may crack a tin of something special for its next record high which, at this pace, should come by Labor Day. 9/10
Bird report: California scrub-jay, California towhee, House finch, Steller's jay, American crow, Red-tailed hawk, Cooper's hawk, Oak titmouse, White-breasted nuthatch, Mountain chickadee, Northern flicker, Hairy woodpecker, Anna's hummingbird, and Western bluebird. Not to mention some nice birdseye courtesy of
@PaulRVA a couple posts back.
This smoke is also dedicated to my great-great aunt Tillie, who would be 114 tomorrow. At my current rate, my cellar should last me until twice that age.