Unless something serious has happened, I don’t watch the news on Sundays. This evening, I had
The Lawrence Welk Show on PBS playing in the background, followed by
Columbo on MeTV. I fell out of a television mood after this, so I moved my huge Yeti of iced tea out to the back porch. There’s been barely any traffic noise from South Airport Road down the hill, and it’s warm like bath water out here, so I set up the iPad to listen to some old time radio. I started with a couple disturbing episodes of
Theater 5 (a ‘60s show that played on ABC radio, and rarely ended happily), followed by an a creepy episode of
The CBS Radio Mystery Theater.
I could swear, shortly into Act II, that I heard a screaming or wailing in the distance. I paused the show for a moment, and was met with relative silence. I touched the play icon to continue. Two or three minutes later, while tipping back some cold tea, much closer, not far enough to echo:
I nearly knocked the Yeti off the table jumping up, a chill in my gut, the hair standing on the back of my neck. I reached for my iPhone to flash a light on the horror not yards from where I sat.
I barely caught glimpse of it, but it was just a fox or coyote running from a skunk. Just nature messing with me, after I got myself worked up listening to old creepy radio shows. I never see foxes out here, and coyotes are a rare sight. The comic timing of wildlife is still intact. Boy, though, for a moment it scared the hell out of me!
Anyway, I was working on, and am still working on, some Mac Baren Club Blend in a Peterson Deluxe System 11s (Sandblasted). I even snapped an image a couple hours ago, knowing I’d tell you what I was smoking ... and not knowing I’d have a story to go along with it.
I headed in the use the bathroom and have a good laugh, came back out, played catch up with this thread, and decided to share. I can hear neighbors muttering nearby. I think that they heard the commotion out here. I think I’ll finish that
CBSRMT episode now ...