Did some kitchen staple shopping and got some household chores done and still managed to spend enough fun time outdoors to sustain a minor sunburn on my forehead. Over the course of it, enjoyed a bowl of Dunhill Dark Flake (rubbed out and packed last night) with a good morning cup of Starbuck’s Pike’s Peak, and later squeezed in a bowl of that 60/40 Peter Stokkebye Amsterdam/Turkish mix, in this Stanwell Deluxe 86 ...

Somehow, this 86 got skipped the last couple rounds, so I thought I’d run some smoke through it again. (You can’t really see it well, but the pipe sock is from a a sponsor of this site.)

Somehow, this 86 got skipped the last couple rounds, so I thought I’d run some smoke through it again. (You can’t really see it well, but the pipe sock is from a a sponsor of this site.)