After starting the day off with coffee and some of my 60/40 PS Amsterdam/Turkish salad in the same Stanwell 86 I finished last night with, I took a hike on a lakeshore trail where the smells of nature are so incredible, I’d never intrude on the experience to fellow walkers by smoking. Then it was chores. Lots of chores and grocery shopping. No time to smoke. Fortunately, between loads of laundry, I rubbed out some Samuel Gawith 1792 Flake and left it out to dry. I’ve loaded it into this oddball ...

... a Butz-Choquin Diam.
Well, it looks a bit strange with its flat front, but it’s a cleverly designed sitter/rocker, and it smoked nicely right out of the box. This will only be its third bowl. I’m just about to head out to the balcony and light up.