I'm not sure how big this pipe's draft hole was drilled initially, but day before yesterday or maybe before that... recently I fired up my Savinelli since I've been smoking this pipe so long and the draw was so much better. I also noticed lately having issues in this one with loss of flavor and that it seemed to be smoking hotter than it should.
Maybe over time my meer was choking up and it was just so slow I didn't notice, so last night I decided to get after the draft hole with the drill bits. I pulled the mortise insert and looked inside—it didn't look clogged and it passed cleaners with ease. Still, started with 7/64" and some gunk cleaned out, but it spun easy by hand. Bumped up to 1/8" and it was wanting to hang up hand turning, but eventually it started spinning free, only pulling carbon and gunk. Finally, moved up to the 9/64" and went slow and steady. It took out a very thin sliver of the actual meat.
Now she's smoking much easier and better than I ever remember it smoking, and I can properly taste this blend like I hadn't been before.