Again, thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes!

It was a spectacular day all around.
Broke in my new Savinelli Porto Cervo 122 bent pot last night with my favorite blend, Drew Estate Gatsby Luxury Flake. Excellent smoke, so I did it again today. Even better. One of those absolutely magical smokes, dried perfectly, packed perfectly...and I was super attentive on keeping my puffing speed low and slow. Two, perhaps three relights, and smoked it down to almost nothing. One of the best smokes I've ever had. Paired with a glass of Grifone Pinot Grigio ($5 at Trader Joe's!). Bliss. And the pipe smokes like a charm too. Super light, and the rustication makes it a pleasure to hold. This will probably end up being dedicated exclusively to VAs.
Bird report: California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, Red-tailed hawk, Dark-eyed junco, House finch, California towhee, California quail, White-breasted nuthatch, and Mountain chickadee.
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