Afternoon everyone, I broke my last church warden, the stem snapped, it was cheap and didn’t smoke well anyway.
So this beauty arrived today from Italy. A Vauen Luxus 5188, White Dot with saddle vulcanite P-lip stem. It couldn’t have been smoked more than a few times, no signs of reaming in the bowl, no teeth marks either. I’m a third way down a bowl of PS Kentucky Maroon that I treated with a little honey.
I couldn’t be more pleased and it was a quarter of the price of Vauen’s new CW’s and of a much higher quality from what I’ve seen so far.

This is already elevated to the position of pre-bedtime pipe to be smoked in my big Victorian Wing Back chair. No foolies
So this beauty arrived today from Italy. A Vauen Luxus 5188, White Dot with saddle vulcanite P-lip stem. It couldn’t have been smoked more than a few times, no signs of reaming in the bowl, no teeth marks either. I’m a third way down a bowl of PS Kentucky Maroon that I treated with a little honey.
I couldn’t be more pleased and it was a quarter of the price of Vauen’s new CW’s and of a much higher quality from what I’ve seen so far.

This is already elevated to the position of pre-bedtime pipe to be smoked in my big Victorian Wing Back chair. No foolies