I'm so glad they gave @cosmicfolklore his own book and series
I met mr Conover at a conference years ago. He read from New Jack. Seemed like a really nice guy. I hear he’s got a new one about down and out folks living in parts of ColoradoCurrently reading "Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing" by journalist Ted Conover. As a person who has worked in the corrections field for over nine years, I must say I find Conover's approach so far to be refreshing; he tells things from an officer's perspective and does so without sentimentality or pity, showing all things regardless of how they make him, corrections officers, or the prison system as a whole look, good and ill.
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The Remains is up there near the top of my fave list tooI love his stuff, though I haven't read Klara yet. The Remains of the Day is one of my all time favorite books.
This is a novel about the 2 "halves" of Canada, the French and the English. Very interesting read. I have both Irish Canadian and Que'be'cois relatives in Ontario. So it hits home. It was written back in 1946 so is outdated to some degree. But the folks I know still have those same feelings. Heritage is important.View attachment 225977
Thanks, I'll check it out.My good friend, John, put together the most in-depth collection of first edition books and material related to the Governor General’s Literary Award winners. Hugh MacLennan won for Two Solitudes. You might enjoy checking out this site that has info and pics from my friend’s collection:
GG PROJECT - GG AWARDS - Celebrating Canada's Oldest Literary Award
John H. Meier, Jr. collection of winners of the Governor General’s Literary Awards Fiction & Poetry 1937-Present. Includes all of the first English language editions.ggawards.ca