My beers for this week
Ale Farm

DIPA, fruitbomb with a melony twist
Hop Hooligans

baltic porter, loved this one with a Mexican chocolate spicyness and the clean lager like yeast character
Funky Fluid


IPA brewed with grape skins, had a white wine vineous aftertase

Bourbon BA Stout, very smooth and rounded finish, but nothing else I havent seen from a Bourbon BA Stout.

Bockbeer brewed with a type of ancient rye, again that spicy edge to it was quite nice. Normally a bock is all caramel and sweetness, at least to me

pastry stout, the idea of peach and chocolate was as appealing, but this was good.
Hop Hooligans

Black IPA, to me a underrated style, paired this with a Bowl of VaPer. Im exploring beer and tobacco a bit more, I think there would have been better combinations.

dark strong ale, good as always.