It's been just over twenty years ago when my oldest son gave us the news the school was going to refuse him a school lunch unless he showed a government issued photo ID at lunch time.
Being raised up like I was, my first reaction was to eat his ass out about how embarrassing it was my son had done something wrong at school the teachers had to correct. If those teachers said jump, he was to say how high, Ma'am, and with a look of respect on his face while he jumped.
My wife rose to the little boy's defense, and it dawned on me, that we'd paid for the lunches, he'd not done anything really wrong, but he lacked proper paperwork to eat a school lunch.
So I called the high school principal, and he assured me that kids weren't sneaking in the school to buy school lunches, but the government was having a problem with school administrations faking up imaginary kids eating school lunches so they could be reimbursed for meals they didn't serve.
So the gubbermint was requiring the students to present photo ID's to try and cut down on school lunch fraud, with the fraudsters being the schools.
I did get another chance to blame him for doing something wrong, when I found out that his school photo ID was his for free, upon a trip to the principal's office. He had one before the sun set.
There's usually a reason for some silly rule.
Either comply, or else.
It's not like they are drafting boys to go invade Omaha Beach.