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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
Crazy great!! I remember when there were about 10 regulars. It speaks volumes about the quality of this site and it's very cool members. Tight.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
Oh, I feel like I have the strength of 12 men. Thanks for the good vibes. The 52 lbs. I lost, makes my organ look even larger. Scary!!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2009
I haven't welcomeed new members in a while. So my usual warning... this website may (will) become addicting to you. Have at it. Welcome one and all!!



Apr 30, 2010
Hi everyone =) Im Brett, my handle is Wataru. Ive used it on all message boards Ive been on since 1994. I came over from Pipesmokerforum.com when I was banned for a Confederate Flag icon in my signature (nice eh?).
I love English blends and Latakia. Especially Samuel Gawith Commonwealth and Squadron Leader.
I drive a modded 2000 Mustang, take care of my mother since my father passed, like Archie Comics and movies. And Doctor Who!



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome to you Brett,

I think you will like it here.

As for the icons, all but a few are pipe related, and you'll find that we have a wide cross-section of pipe smokers. There are Southerners, Left Coasters, Mid-west, and many from across the pond, Near-East and Far.

Just good guys looking to share the everyday and advice.

We all look forward to your posts and pictures.

Dive right in!



Might Stick Around
Apr 25, 2010
Thanks to everyone for the nice welcome, I've been enjoying the site. And thanks to raftergtex for the information concerning tung oil and lacquer.
Unfortunately, I did, in fact, already apply both to my unfinished Savinelli second briar. I also did the bleach treatment to the stem since it was a greenish brown. The bleach did indeed restore the black, much to my surprise. Though it did leave it rough, but I had already been forewarned about that.
After everything dried, I took both pieces and polished them on a 3 wheel buffing system. I have to say, it looks pretty nice for an almost 20 year old unfinished second. Though I don't know if that adversely affected its smoking abilities...we'll see.
Just in case, it gave me an opportunity to buy some new pipes! hehe I picked up a few shapes (and colors) that I had always liked: a Peterson Killarney Ebony Pipe #408 (straight) and a Peterson Aran Pipe #80s (bent bulldog with flat sided shank and stem, at least I believe that's the correct name).
I already have a Peterson Sherlock Holmes Baskerville, and I had wanted to vary my manufacturers a little bit, but the Petersons were matching up to the shapes and colors I wanted. At least I know I really like the way my existing Peterson smokes, so I know what I am getting.
I had originally toyed with the idea of getting a Dunhill, but quickly ran scared when I saw the low end starts at $400.
Maybe I can get a non-Peterson pipe when I finally get around to buying a tankard and a church warden. Unfortunatly, Peterson had some nice ones of both of those also! heheh



May 1, 2010
Hi all,
I'm Anderson from Concord, CA, joined the site yesterday. Quit cigarettes (after 30 years, yuck) a year ago, tried a few cigars a few months back, then walked into a wonderful pipe shop in San Francisco (Grant's) where I picked up a couple of good pipes and some terrific perique blends to start with. Wish I could have switched long ago. ;)



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome to all new members to this brotherhood in pipes.
You'll see that we are willing to offer suggestions, and comments, even pull your leg when you need it.
So, don't be shy; ask questions, post your comments and pictures.

We look forward to your participation.
Once again; welcome to fraternity.



May 3, 2010
Hey ya'll i'm located in Calvert County and just turned 20, and decided it was time to get into Pipe Smoking. I'm excited, mainly because my father and his grandfather all smoked a pipe when they were my age.
I bought my pipe at Chesapeake Cigar Co., and they directed me to this site as a great starting place. My name is Joe and i have only one pipe at the moment but once i get the hang of it i hope to have more soon.
One problem i'm running into is that i can't seem to smoke all of the tobacco in the pipe, for instance, when i finally do get it started, it seems to only burn straight down and not get the tobacco at the edges, which is bothersome because it is a waste if i don't have time to relight the pipe. Am i not tamping down enough or too much? Sucking too hard perhaps?
Anyway sorry for the another lame question but i'm stoaked to get started.
Joe Fin



Mar 27, 2010
Welcome all new members, post often and don't be shy with you questions or comments.
Joe Fin… it sounds like you're packing your pipe too loose and maybe puffing a little too fast and hard. Pstlpkr has already suggested a link that should help you.
Good Luck,


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