I'm too impatient to age anything. I have to smoke it right away
Aging blends was a happy consequence from stocking up while the import window was still open.
I've now got blends of most genres from which to choose.
My straight Virginias have been pushed to the back of the baccy cupboard to give them some age.
I can afford to ignore them because I've got other blends to smoke until they've got a bit of age.
One pleasant surprise was AJ's Vaper.
Did not like it fresh so it was jarred and shoved to the back of the cellar with the intention of using it as a mixer with my homegrown.
Just recently, after 3-4 years, I tried a bowl and the difference is amazing.
Tobacco will not ever be any cheaper [in the U.S. that is] Strike while the iron is hot and build as big a stash as ones income allows.
Once one has a big enough stash, you will be smoking aged baccy not before long.
There's no such thing as 'too much' tobacco.