Just to beat a dead horse one last time...
If I were to say what each company is mostly know for, and be 100% correct in my perspective...
Sutliff is known for goopy goopers
C&D is know for moldy burleys
McClelland is known for ketchupy aromas
GH known for granny panties
PStokkebye known for... three funny flakes? not sure on this one...
MacBaren is known for mastering the art of tongue bite.
Esoterica is known for not existing in online stores at all. The Big Foot of tobaccos.
STG is known for fucking up beloved blends
...all are correct. However, it is also fair to say...
Sutliff did a whole lot more that even its deepest fans don't fully understand.
C&D may have been the master of burleys, but Jeremy is now a master of Virginia small batches
McClelland actually had many non-aromatics that didn't smell like ketchup, even a few Virginias that didn't smell like it.
GH is the master of really strong blends, using really old equipment and some really new stuff.
PStokkebye... I don't know, three flake? That's all I know, ha ha.
MacBaren makes mouth burners, plus the HH line. Or used to...
Esotericas are really all just licorice aromatics and a few that barely has any licorice at all.
And, STG will go down in history as destroying the Pipe smoking hobby for those of us that used to enjoy these blends they bought.
End of dead horse beatings... till someone copies me in a reply again, ha ha.