An article in The Critic today mentions cigarettes only, but should worry the pipe man too.
What I said was do gooders don’t give a damn about ordinary people, who live their ordinary lives, and take a bit of comfort from a smoke and a drink.I don’t know what you just said, Lee. But oh… okay.
They know the road by which you cameThe aim in the long run is to dictate and control every aspect of your life.
Now that technology gives them the means to know what you consume, how you act, what you buy, and who you talk to, things are gonna move in that direction fast, too.
It's because control freaks typically fall into 3 overlapping categories: malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. And the need for control is the most pernicious and destructive of addictions.I really don't understand the need of control in some of these people. I don't tell them what to do. Why do they feel they need to tell me what to do?
It's because control freaks typically fall into 3 overlapping categories: malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. And the need for control is the most pernicious and destructive of addictions.
The, undefined, ordinary people don't seem to be very interested in what the "do-gooders" are doing good. All depends on whose ox is being gored at the time.What I said was do gooders don’t give a damn about ordinary people, who live their ordinary lives, and take a bit of comfort from a smoke and a drink.
This experiment will not end kindly. Nicotine does not produce psychosis.America gets to watch a brand new mass vice, legalized cannabis, get regulated.
As much as I despise government do gooders it will be utterly necessary to have extensive regulation of the cannabis trade as it’s always been necessary for regulating alcohol, tobacco, legal gambling, and even whole milk.
As soon as I climbed out of my crib I was old enough to realize that the government dairy inspectors that came to our farm insured my Daddy could earn a living producing Grade A fluid milk, for little school kids to drink at lunch.
The “libertarians” who search for raw unprocessed milk to drink are damned fools risking disease and death from milk fever and a host of other diseases that government regulations eliminated so people could safely enjoy cold, safe grocery store milk. Milk is as much of a luxury as whiskey or cigarettes and without regulation might be even more dangerous.
What’s needed, is nicotine addicted do gooders.
But what do gooders there are, seem to be as Prohibitionist as my old grandma was about demon rum.