UFOs, the Pentagon, and Tin Foil Hats

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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"Jay, perhaps you are already familiar with Stanton Friedman, if not, he was a nuclear physicist,"

Thanks for the heads up Ray, and no I hadn't heard of the chap but I'll look into it later today.




Jun 3, 2015
I've experienced two unexplainable and identical events in my life, once while asleep in a police cell and the other years later in bed with the missus.

Each time, I became awake and fully aware of my surroundings and situation yet I couldn't move or speak. It felt as though in the first instance I was being absorbed into the cell wall head first and the second instance years later doing the very same albeit absorbed into the bed head.

Both times I tried to shout out but couldn't, neither could I move!

Very strange and scary experiences I can tell you.


Jay, actually what happened to you was an Out of Body Experience or Astral Projection. Sleep paralysis is a side effect of the transfer of consciousness. Scientist think that sleep paralysis is the brains way of paralyzing the body so you don’t hurt yourself in sleep. But that analysis is false. We move in sleep all the time. You also astral project in the sleep state every night. If a transfer of consciousness is not made then the astral double will gently fall asleep slightly out of sink with the body.

If you have this happen again, rush forward with all the will power you have with a mental command that you will move 15 to 20 feet away from your body and you will pop out.

Some believe that we actually move out side our body, while others believe we move inward. While both observations are correct, it’s important to remember that consciousness is expanded infinitely. We are each the center of our own individual universe. If your interested in more info, check out Robert Bruce and William Buhlman’s books on the subject. Buhlman is great for those with a scientific mind set, he Did not believe in anything spiritual before his experiences.

My opinion about UFOs have changed a lot over the years. After my experiences I’ve come to accept that we are Multidimensional Beings and with that knowledge, there are multiple universes juxtaposed upon each other in the same space. If anyone can grasp that. It’s time to stop digging in the dirt, accept physical laws for what they are and realize that consciousness moves at the speed of thought. Which is instant. Speed of light can’t compete.
May 2, 2020
Jay, actually what happened to you was an Out of Body Experience or Astral Projection. Sleep paralysis is a side effect of the transfer of consciousness. Scientist think that sleep paralysis is the brains way of paralyzing the body so you don’t hurt yourself in sleep. But that analysis is false. We move in sleep all the time. You also astral project in the sleep state every night. If a transfer of consciousness is not made then the astral double will gently fall asleep slightly out of sink with the body.

If you have this happen again, rush forward with all the will power you have with a mental command that you will move 15 to 20 feet away from your body and you will pop out.

Some believe that we actually move out side our body, while others believe we move inward. While both observations are correct, it’s important to remember that consciousness is expanded infinitely. We are each the center of our own individual universe. If your interested in more info, check out Robert Bruce and William Buhlman’s books on the subject. Buhlman is great for those with a scientific mind set, he Did not believe in anything spiritual before his experiences.

My opinion about UFOs have changed a lot over the years. After my experiences I’ve come to accept that we are Multidimensional Beings and with that knowledge, there are multiple universes juxtaposed upon each other in the same space. If anyone can grasp that. It’s time to stop digging in the dirt, accept physical laws for what they are and realize that consciousness moves at the speed of thought. Which is instant. Speed of light can’t compete.

The simple explanation?

“Jay“ is really...

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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Very interesting Perdurabo, I shall look into 'astral projections'. When I described my two experiences to a friend some years ago he was convinced that on both occasions I was on the verge of dying but somehow managed to pull out of it. I sort of went with that as it sounded vaguely plausible, now I'm not too sure.

Two identical events in 58 years (albeit about 25 years apart), I sincerely hope I don't experience a third!


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Jun 3, 2015
Very interesting Perdurabo, I shall look into 'astral projections'. When I described my two experiences to a friend some years ago he was convinced that on both occasions I was on the verge of dying but somehow managed to pull out of it. I sort of went with that as it sounded vaguely plausible, now I'm not too sure.

Two identical events in 58 years (albeit about 25 years apart), I sincerely hope I don't experience a third!


Just remember my advice. But yea, when you pass on, it will be permanent. At least your material life as Jay. ?
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Oct 3, 2019
I suspect that the most common reason why a government would "investigate" something it itself is doing, is to whitewash the public perceptions and to obtain any evidence for destruction.

Distraction? Misdirection? Political cover? I think there is zero chance that this publication material was chosen for the abstract armchair speculation of the public. There are just so many factions and interests I can’t see who is doing it for what.


Feb 21, 2013
There is a religious group, the Swedenborgians (sp?) who believe we are living in parallel with other beings who are around us all the time. I don't know much about it, but visited their reading room and picked up a book about it as an undergrad years ago in Columbia, Missouri. It was in a very attractive house in a residential area.


Aug 4, 2019
Pacific Northwest
There is a religious group, the Swedenborgians (sp?) who believe we are living in parallel with other beings who are around us all the time.
Emanuel Swedenborg; was a 18th century scientist, Christian theologian, author and later In life, a Christian mystic.
Here is a Wikipedia link for more details on Swedenborg if you’re interested:
Emanuel Swedenborg


Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
I don’t know anything about Kean. What were the explanations? Could they be applied to the two videos captured by the US Navy?
Too many cases to go into them all but they were pretty prosaic. One was searchlights from a disco that had just opened shining on the clouds combined with fighters locking onto another aircraft intermittently. Unrelated events conflated together.

As far as the Navy videos, no. I haven’t seen where there is a definite identification but the apparent speeds of the objects were apparently not what they appeared to be.

One of the reasons the Navy started that unidentified aircraft reporting program was to track incursions into their airspace at sea by UAVs, some submarine launched.
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Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
Below is the trailer for an interesting documentary regarding the disinformation surrounding this subject matter.

Note: I'm not advocating for the veracity of any of the info or opinions presented in it one way or the other...I'm just saying it's interesting.

I agree, it is interesting.
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Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
I sure couldn't tell you... Those guys make some pretty good arguments. That theory is pretty mainstream now.

If youve ever heard of the double slit experiment, and take time to understand it.. it's basically proof that some of our physics are wrong.. It shows how particles act differently when watched.
It ends up proving that the classical physics explanation is lacking. Quantum field theory is what the universe really “runs on” and that explains the experimental results just fine. There’s really no such thing as particles, only interacting and excited fields.

The more we learn the more bizarre the universe seems to be.


Oct 12, 2019
Florida Panhandle
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May 2, 2020
That’s always puzzled me. Why would a super advanced species use their tech to travel huge distances just for a spot of recreational proctology?
I know what it’s like to know something for a fact, when everyone else doesn’t believe you, and that crap is infuriating. So, I’ll choke down my skepticism, be generous, and say at least some of the abduction stories are fabricated. Now what boggles my mind is that, of all the attention-seeking stories one could tell, someone settled on “a little gray man fiddled with my ass.”
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