UFOs, the Pentagon, and Tin Foil Hats

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Might Stick Around
Jul 28, 2020
Cincinnati, OH
Interesting that one of the longest threads recently is on this topic.

And no one has raised the question of what sort of tobacco would the pilot of an UFO smoke? Squadron Leader? Shortcut to Mushrooms?
Well I did hear one of you guys say that pipe smoking does force a person to slow down and contemplate things...

may be a window into the thoughts of men we don’t wish to share with our significant others...


Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
Below is the trailer for an interesting documentary regarding the disinformation surrounding this subject matter.

Note: I'm not advocating for the veracity of any of the info or opinions presented in it one way or the other...I'm just saying it's interesting.

Do a little research into her and you’ll see that Moulton Howe is just another person making money peddling woo.

Mirage Men is entertaining if you take it as the work of fiction it essentially is. Just enough truth to be peddled as true.

When it comes to UFOs claims of conspiracy frequently substitute for the inability to provide actual evidence of something.
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Jan 31, 2011
Do a little research into her and you’ll see that Moulton Howe is just another person making money peddling woo.

Mirage Men is entertaining if you take it as the work of fiction it essentially is. Just enough truth to be peddled as true.

When it comes to UFOs claims of conspiracy frequently substitute for the inability to provide actual evidence of something.

The documentary isn't about Howe. She's just one of the people interviewed. In fact, she's a good example of someone who was played by disinfo people more than likely.

But since you're focusing on Howe, I am familiar enough with her to say that I definitely disagree with you that she's just in it for the money. IMO, she's a true believer in this stuff, but I think she's misguided in certain ways.


Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
The documentary isn't about Howe. She's just one of the people interviewed. In fact, she's a good example of someone who was played by disinfo people more than likely.

But since you're focusing on Howe, I am familiar enough with her to say that I definitely disagree with you that she's just in it for the money. IMO, she's a true believer in this stuff, but I think she's misguided in certain ways.
I know she’s not the focus of Mirage Men and I agree, LMH seems to be a believer. She just makes her living peddling woo.

It’s an interesting watch and the facts behind what’s purported are quite interesting on their own. Not nearly as dramatic, though. It’s been a while but I think you’re right in that she was used, although I recall it was as part of a counter-espionage investigation.

If Earth is ever visited by ETs it’d probably be impossible to keep it a secret.

If you’re interested in the critical investigation of UFOs check out SUNlite. It’s a bimonthly analysis of sightings, old cases etc. There are good analyses of some of the FLIR-based sightings that are quite informative.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 24, 2019
Yarmouth, Maine
Regarding the Leslie Kean book, alluded to earlier, she traveled the world interviewing countless people with direct experience of UFOs. Hundreds at least . Attended conferences on the subject Not organized by the so-called woo crowd. Looked at government reports done in France, England, other places. Way too many people, in various countries, responsible people in military and government as well as Civilians with no vested interest in anything to do with the subject, have experienced UFOs. Much is made of the video recorded by that pilot, but that is just one instance. If that were the only instance of this, this thread would not exist. Just because you don’t believe something exists doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Unless you are so locked into your preconceptions that there is no other way. I’ve never seen any evidence that the people who have had these experiences are woo people. They probably never gave it a thought, until it happened to them.
One thing she established clearly was that whether it was the military or commercial airlines, anyone who was too loud about their experience here in the U.S., was risking their career. Land of the free and home of the brave.

For those who dismiss the phenomena out of hand, maybe you should just do your own research before judging so harshly.
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Feb 21, 2013
If evolved aliens took the trouble to visit the planet, why would they evade being detected and identified? Of course, if they are far ahead of us, they may know what a troubled species we are, and not want to have their scientific observations skewed by interacting with the subjects. They never crash. They don't leave anything behind. All of the photographs are inconclusive, if we are allowed to see them, and could be duplicated by the usual special effects. And if there are any creaturely remains or other items left behind, they happen to be intercepted by paranoid official types who hide them away and say nothing. Any and all of this is certainly possible. But is any of it probable? Dubious. But yes, possible. The last UFO I heard was a U.S. Marshals' helicopter trying to hunt down a fugitive, and it went on for two hours. Oh, and they have no known electronic fingerprint, no pattern of frequency waves of any detected kind. Plenty of noise and static that could be some sort of signal, but nothing our minds can retrieve as a signal or electronic field. Probably they see our online and TV ads and can't stand it, consider the planet uninhabitable.
May 2, 2020
If evolved aliens took the trouble to visit the planet, why would they evade being detected and identified? Of course, if they are far ahead of us, they may know what a troubled species we are, and not want to have their scientific observations skewed by interacting with the subjects. They never crash. They don't leave anything behind. All of the photographs are inconclusive, if we are allowed to see them, and could be duplicated by the usual special effects. And if there are any creaturely remains or other items left behind, they happen to be intercepted by paranoid official types who hide them away and say nothing. Any and all of this is certainly possible. But is any of it probable? Dubious. But yes, possible. The last UFO I heard was a U.S. Marshals' helicopter trying to hunt down a fugitive, and it went on for two hours. Oh, and they have no known electronic fingerprint, no pattern of frequency waves of any detected kind. Plenty of noise and static that could be some sort of signal, but nothing our minds can retrieve as a signal or electronic field. Probably they see our online and TV ads and can't stand it, consider the planet uninhabitable.
It’s funny you should mention TV ads, etc. Unfortunately, the first electromagnetic broadcast that arguably had enough intensity to push through the ionosphere and leak out into space was Adolf Hitler’s address at the 1936 Olympics, held in Nazi Germany. This was popularized in Sagan’s novel Contact, I believe. Thankfully a very weak broadcast by today’s standards, and if it did escape into space (which the odds are somewhat against), someone would have to be listening with extreme intent directly in our direction to catch the weak signal. If “they” are out there, I’m hoping they miss that broadcast.
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Feb 21, 2013
With my tin foil hat firmly in place, I theorize that if there are non-carbon based non-water-dependent life forms on other planets or in other solar systems or galaxies, or even right here on Earth, we might simply not recognize them. They might be going about their business right under our noses, literally or figuratively, and we have no way to conceive of them. There are other activities of organized matter that don't involve large molecules as recognized forms of life have. It's only metaphorical, but hurricanes are organized and have lifespans, as do other weather patterns. All I am saying is, if you think way outside the box, you can come up with forms of life on other planets in other galaxies, or perhaps on Earth. We're pretty self-centered little critters. Grudgingly, we've come to consider the possibility that other creatures we know about are also thinking, although it is fiercely debated. So, other forms of life ... we'd have to grow a ways before we could know if we were seeing them or not. Now, that's only for the crazies. They don't know, but they believe. Which planet has the ammonia atmosphere? That might make a nursery for some unconventional (to us) life forms.


Nov 13, 2019
With my tin foil hat firmly in place, I theorize that if there are non-carbon based non-water-dependent life forms on other planets or in other solar systems or galaxies, or even right here on Earth, we might simply not recognize them. They might be going about their business right under our noses, literally or figuratively, and we have no way to conceive of them. There are other activities of organized matter that don't involve large molecules as recognized forms of life have. It's only metaphorical, but hurricanes are organized and have lifespans, as do other weather patterns. All I am saying is, if you think way outside the box, you can come up with forms of life on other planets in other galaxies, or perhaps on Earth. We're pretty self-centered little critters. Grudgingly, we've come to consider the possibility that other creatures we know about are also thinking, although it is fiercely debated. So, other forms of life ... we'd have to grow a ways before we could know if we were seeing them or not. Now, that's only for the crazies. They don't know, but they believe. Which planet has the ammonia atmosphere? That might make a nursery for some unconventional (to us) life forms.


Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
UFOs certainly exist. There’s just zero evidence they’re extra-terrestrial. Also, unexplained doesn’t equal extraterrestrial.

The cases in Kean’s book have been explained. That she chooses to present only part of the story is the difference between selling books, and not. For a small taste of the enormous lack of diligence in Kean’s research just dig into the Belgian case. Or look into her more recent steadfast insistence that a video of some bugs were extraterrestrial vehicles. She’s a joke.

Believing in things is for Santa and the Easter Bunny. Knowing things is completely different and requires facts.

Also, I’m not “judging harshly out of hand”, I have done my own research.
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May 2, 2020
UFOs certainly exist. There’s just zero evidence they’re extra-terrestrial. Also, unexplained doesn’t equal extraterrestrial.

The cases in Kean’s book have been explained. That she chooses to present only part of the story is the difference between selling books, and not. For a small taste of the enormous lack of diligence in Kean’s research just dig into the Belgian case. Or look into her more recent steadfast insistence that a video of some bugs were extraterrestrial vehicles. She’s a joke.

Believing in things is for Santa and the Easter Bunny. Knowing things is completely different and requires facts.

Also, I’m not “judging harshly out of hand”, I have done my own research.
I don’t know anything about Kean. What were the explanations? Could they be applied to the two videos captured by the US Navy?

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
That signpost up ahead ... you have entered The Zone. That's a paraphrase of the old Rod Serling intro to the TV series "The Twilight Zone," one of my favorites growing up.

I watch The Twilight Zone every night. It seems like they never lose their value, no matter how many times I've seen the same episode.
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Aug 4, 2019
Pacific Northwest
I think it's time for me to watch my Carl Sagan DVDs again
Jay, perhaps you are already familiar with Stanton Friedman, if not, he was a nuclear physicist, contemporary scientist and onetime classmate of Carl Sagan’s.
He recently passed, however he was, and remains, among my favorites of the “professional” ufologists.
As a civilian he worked on the original Roswell incident, famously debunked MJ12 documents and worked as a nuclear engineer for a number of decades before becoming a full time author and lecturer.
Luckily, he left a number of YouTube videos and his dry wit and no-nonsense approach to the subject of “visitors” from beyond our solar system are uniquely informative and interesting.
Check him out on YouTube if you haven’t had the opportunity.
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