I as well, come from a family of pretty heavy drinkers, the biggest problem for me was the ability to stay relatively mentally competent despite the large amount of alcohol that I consumed. I mean I would never drive, operate heavy equipment or perform physical tasks but if it was phone call for work or computer work, no problem at all. Was it as good as I could have done sober? Probably not, but it got done in an acceptable manner. This made it really hard for me to justify not drinking to much at night/afternoon/weekends. A lot of my friends/co-workers joked that if I didn't have to drive I would just be wasted all the time. I was always too afraid to get a DUI to risk drinking if there was the possibility that I would have to drive or not be sober by the time I needed to drive. That is probably the thing that kept me from having a bigger problem than I already had. Call me a functional night time alcoholic if you will.
Since there were really no negative side effects that were apparent to me (there were a lot apparent to others though) I never saw it as a problem, or would admit to myself that there was a problem. Then I met my wife and she basically straight out said "you have a problem" and it was sort of a wakeup call as she listed out all the differences between sober me and not so sober me, not to mention the mental problems she noticed I was having. I worked with mainly men, and we all had extremely stressful jobs so it was pretty normal for everyone drink too much. No one would ever mention that there was a problem, because you know, men.
I had a really hard time cutting back, once I started cutting back, my equivalent counterpart at work noticed that I started to change and we started talking about how I was cutting back/quitting and he decided to give it a go with me. We were averaging about a bottle every 1.5 days each. We both got different jobs and removed ourselves from the environment that accepted and encouraged that sort of drinking. Between him and my wife supporting me, I stopped for a while and now am able to have 3-4 drinks per week without going crazy or having issues. I am so much healthier, happier and my wallet is happier now.
I think If I was single, I would probably be in a pretty bad state right now, I work from home because of the quarantine, but my wife helps keep me on track and I am grateful for it. Honestly I encourage anyone that is thinking about quitting or reducing to try it for a while and see how you feel. However, I don't judge each to their own!