I have decided I won't be looking at this site anymore. The last straw was caused by some moron over there called Gus Tation. This clown seems to review 10 blends a day, with each review containing meandering, vapid prose followed by some nonsensical religious missive at the end of his review. One recent review he has is of Astley 44. He starts off the review saying how he dislikes straight VAs, then goes on to give this blend two stars. OK, you don't like straight Vas, then why in God's name (thought I would invoke the almighty since he seems to like that kind of thing and thinks religion has something to do with tobacco reviews) would you buy Astley 44 much less feel qualified to review it? I sure don't feel that I could provide an objective review on numerous aromatics, since I don't swing that way. I don't know, maybe I just feel grumpy and need to rant. Thanks, I feel better already.