Pipestud always delivers an entertaining read and I've found him to be a reliable source for denoting if a baccy has proper strength - alot of reviewers use the word "strong" but are off the mark, I also seem to enjoy many of the flavor profiles he likes too, I enjoy scented/cased stuff and I can rely on him to steer me right, as with Hastings for example, but with the Cannon it was the "strange mood" written bit that I enjoyed, and although I do like some of the Lakeland scents, some of them are just too strange/odd/offputting olde worlde snuff flavours which I'd rather avoid...
...his review was actually mild in tone compared to some of the others.
And he's not infallible of course,
how could he write this about my wonderful Warrior Plug?!?!?!?
"Yikes! - I can see why balding men like this tobacco. It puts hair everywhere. Strong and very harsh Virginia leaf plastered my palate and the added casing (no clue what it is), wouldn't even come off my tooth brush. I do thank the fellow tobaccoreviews.com reviewer who gifted me a couple of bowls of Warrior Plug but I do ask gently that he doesn't send me any more."
There's no such thing as right or wrong in a subjective review.
All our tastes differ and that's why TR is only a rough guide,
what C&D said was 100% on the mark:
It's like anything worthwhile on the web, a valuable tool dependent on the effort YOU put into using it.