I appreciate that this forum is a pipe orientated forum, with a few cigar lovers on the side l, but how many people on here are general tobacco fiends?
I’m struggling to get away from cigarettes when I’m at the pub because people aren’t that accepting of me smoke king a pipe when I’m out - “you look like a hipster” etc.
Does anyone else get this or is it just me?
One of the most important things that anyone can learn in life is that what others think is not anywhere near as important as what you think.
If you suddenly found yourself living amongst Satanic cannibals, would you join in out of fear of what others thought about you? Of course not.
To thine own self be true.
Pipes got me off a 30-40 a day cigarette addiction. Quit attempts were torture.
Switching to a pipe made quitting much easier because a puff on a pipe was better than nothing.
It took around a week to transition, then it was easy.
Then I smoked cigs to satisfy cravings.
Now I puff on a pipe because it's enjoyable.
No longer do I crave.
Most of my blends have mild nicotine [Jim Inks reviews were a big help finding previously untried blends with mild Lady N]
My smoking habits have changed markedly. No longer do I 'have to' have a smoke. I'm content to wait to smoke when it's convenient and can go without for many hours and not even notice when I'm otherwise occupied.
The biggest difference between tailor-made cigs and pipe tobacco is that cigs have a staggering 300+ added nasty chemicals [some of which I'm convinced are more addictive than the nicotine] while pipe tobacco has none. [Propylene glycol is basically harmless]
The trick to get off cigarettes is to switch completely to pipe tobacco.
Although I do get looks from strangers, most reactions are positive.
Many are curious [probably because so few smoke pipes here] I receive plenty of smiles and when I do receive comments it's usually people saying they like the aroma.
At social occasions I make sure to smoke blends with a pleasant 'room note' so others can enjoy.
I've not had a cigarette now in over 11 years. I've not craved one since a week after the switch.
My only regret is not switching to a pipe much sooner.