What a fascinating thing the pipe and tobacco combination is. It's starting to remind me of the stick and ball of golf. The more you think about it the worst your outcome. I tried dumping the ash at halfway and it helped my smoke tremendously. For some unknown reason; maybe a dream or the inter web, I thought it was taboo to dump the ash. It took several months for me to figure out not to puff like a freight train, but I still catch myself stoking the fire. Every time I do it my bowl goes out within a few minutes. It's hard to break cheap cigar habits. Smoking a pipe is science.don't worry about it. Seems like the more you worry about it the more it happens. The less you worry the less it happens. Also when it goes out dump the ash that seems to help a lot actually. I think the ash can smother the tobacco sometimes. And it seems like not trying to make sure it stays lit somehow is the best condition for keeping it going.Like I think freight puffing it actually for some reason creates a situation that lets it go out sooner. There is probably some science behind it but I prefer to think that it's just how the magic pipe faries work.
Bone Dry is hyperbole and designed to help others dry their tobacco more, but still containing plenty of moisture.So far I have discovered that bone dry tobacco tastes like garbage, almost like a cigarette. I'll be sticking to slightly moist.
Thanks for all the help guys! I'm definitely coming back to this forum.
You stole my answer again. Don't worry about. It's not a cig.Don't worry about it. This comes with the territory as you learn to control your materials.
The above advice about drying down your tobacco and packing loosely is spot on. As you become more experienced you'll get a sense how things work together. Experiment with different moisture levels as well as packing densities, but start with a light pack and fairly dry tobacco. That should be easier to control at the outset.
If the pipe goes out, just relight. It's no big deal.
Couldn’t agree more! The whole smoke the entire tin on a single match nonsense has caused more grief for new pipe smokers than it bears thinking about.Call me crazy, but relights don’t bother me. In fact it’s part of my autonomic nervous system by now.