Its one thing if you dont want to share but people dont put their location and then they ask lots of questions. A lot of answers will depend on location if you are talking about tobacco and a blend. I think people dont put it becuase they think they and where they live are the center of the universe.
I dunno about that.
Since when did people wanting to be private mean that they somehow think they're better than everyone else or whatever the implications have been so far on the first page of this thread?
I debated about not putting my location. People see "Alabama" and make a bunch of presumptions. If they made any presumptions, they'd be dead wrong. I wasn't even born in the USA, and I am anything but southern. My mother is from upstate NY, and I wasn't raised in southern culture. I'm not FROM here, nor was my family, I just live here now.
Unfortunately, people can be shitty and presumptive.
Another valid reason one might want their profile private is because of, again, shitty people. People will go out of their way to find your other posts to harass you and hound you and just go out of their way to disagree with you for no reason just because you didn't agree with them elsewhere, even if you weren't an asshole about it or to them. Or they'll go digging to try to find some dirt or do some kind of "gotcha" bullshit.
There's plenty more valid reasons for a private profile that has nothing to do with the user being arrogant, or wanting privacy because they want to do some nefarious stuff, or because they're paranoid.
Like, for instance some people don't want to hang out in-person and circle-jerk over a shared hobby. I've had that happen before on other forums from over-enthusiastic people with 0 social skills who saw we lived in the same state. That or people asking you if you know so-and-so because you live in the same state as so-and-so, etc.
Honestly, who NEEDS to know all that stuff about a stranger on the internet? It could be argued that THAT is some aberrant/weird behavior, intrusive, or argued how important do you think you are that you need to know where someone else lives just because you're curious?