I usually only share this info with our advertising partners, but I just can't contain myself.
First, let me put this into context. I'm sure most of you are familiar with Cigar Aficionado Magazine. They are the 900-lb gorilla as far as tobacco related media goes.
Cigar Aficionado's website receives traffic of 6,000 unique visitors per day on average. ("Unique visitors" means each person is only counted once. We log your IP address for 24-hours, and do not count you again if you visit like 10 times in one day.) This info is actually published in their media kit that can be downloaded from their site.
PipesMagazine.com will end February with around 7,000 unique visitors per day on average. We already had 5 days this month where we surpassed 7,000 unique visitors per day.
Yesterday, we surpassed 8,000 unique visitors. This is not only good news for the site. It is good news for the pipe and tobacco market in general. The market is growing, and that means makers of pipes and tobaccos will be investing more in their businesses to bring you more choices.
Overall, the cigar market is many times larger than the pipe market, so it is really significant how this pipe site surpasses the traffic of the biggest cigar site.
Here's a screen cap of the stats to date for Feb.
First, let me put this into context. I'm sure most of you are familiar with Cigar Aficionado Magazine. They are the 900-lb gorilla as far as tobacco related media goes.
Cigar Aficionado's website receives traffic of 6,000 unique visitors per day on average. ("Unique visitors" means each person is only counted once. We log your IP address for 24-hours, and do not count you again if you visit like 10 times in one day.) This info is actually published in their media kit that can be downloaded from their site.
PipesMagazine.com will end February with around 7,000 unique visitors per day on average. We already had 5 days this month where we surpassed 7,000 unique visitors per day.
Yesterday, we surpassed 8,000 unique visitors. This is not only good news for the site. It is good news for the pipe and tobacco market in general. The market is growing, and that means makers of pipes and tobaccos will be investing more in their businesses to bring you more choices.
Overall, the cigar market is many times larger than the pipe market, so it is really significant how this pipe site surpasses the traffic of the biggest cigar site.
Here's a screen cap of the stats to date for Feb.