Musicals, bleh... I don't care for songs that I can understand the words. 

Opera is ok with me. Its like big time wrestling with music and the plots are like country songs when country was actually good.Another vote for not liking musicals. There have been only two that I could tolerate, West Side Story and Paint Your Wagon. Strangely though, I like many operas.
- Single ply toilet paper
- Modern newspaper comics
- Imperial method of measuring things (feet, miles, pounds, etc)
- Those new gasoline cans that are supposed to be no-spill but end up spilling a lot more
- People that drive slow until they get to a section of road with a passing lane where they speed up only to slow back down when it gets back to where they can't be passed.
- Child proof lighters
I'm American, but I completely agree that the imperial measurement system is complete trash. When I was a kid they used to tell us we'd eventually switch to metric, but apparently they greatly underestimated our ability to suffer an inferior system out of a fear of change or whatever
- Single ply toilet paper
- Modern newspaper comics
- Imperial method of measuring things (feet, miles, pounds, etc)
- Those new gasoline cans that are supposed to be no-spill but end up spilling a lot more
- People that drive slow until they get to a section of road with a passing lane where they speed up only to slow back down when it gets back to where they can't be passed.
- Child proof lighters
I'm American, but I completely agree that the imperial measurement system is complete trash. When I was a kid they used to tell us we'd eventually switch to metric, but apparently they greatly underestimated our ability to suffer an inferior system out of a fear of change or whatever
I'm American, but I completely agree that the imperial measurement system is complete trash. When I was a kid they used to tell us we'd eventually switch to metric, but apparently they greatly underestimated our ability to suffer an inferior system out of a fear of change or whatever
I would be wrecked trying to figure out what the hell a kilometer or all of those prefixes are... more or less than a mile? Or, grams? The whole jewelry industry would be upside down with their system of carats and picas.
I'm American too (although temporarily expatriated). As an American scientist I had to have two brains for this. Science is generally conducted in metric even if day to day life is in imperial. Also some of my vehicles were metric but others imperial. It was frustrating to need two sets of sockets. Of course there is logic to metric and it is vastly superior.
As for beer measurements I agree that it is nice to simply ask for a pint (which is about a half liter). I like that beer comes in half liter bottles in Germany. A half liter of beer is 16.9 ounces which is, in my never humble opinion, much better than 12 ounces. Of course those big glass beer mugs (maß) are a full liter which is better yet. Hmm. All this typing is making me thirsty.
The cost of Hillary Clinton's latest book on why she lost the last election!A copy of Bernie Sanders Bumper Book of Economics with the supplement picture book for when he had that walk on part in the movie Cocoon. A copy of The Condor & Weezell Guide to Shitty Tobacco. If you purchased all three of those you could get change out of a penny and have $99.99 to spend on something worthless like that musical you have always wanted to see!
- Single ply toilet paper
- Modern newspaper comics
- Imperial method of measuring things (feet, miles, pounds, etc)
Well, Charmin with aloe isn't available here for some reason. ?I mean who buys cheap toilet paper?
Well, Charmin with aloe isn't available here for some reason. ?