The blends may be named White Spot and keep the original names. STC has done a lot of resurrecting some of the older blends and I doubt they'd have done that knowing that they were about to be discontinued for Legal reasons
Well, here are a few things to ponder. The Dunhill branded pipe tobaccos were not selling that well in the US, according to BAT. So how to try to generate renewed interest? "Resurrect" some brands to which they already own the rights to the names and the artwork. This decision could well have preceded the FDA announcement last Spring, could have preceded new, more stringent laws in the UK and the EU. The new brands get released and they don't sell well enough to thrill the boardroom. Time to move on.
As for "resurrecting", not every "resurrected" blend is actually a revival of an old blend. Sometimes it's just taking an existing blend, and putting it in a new tin. So these newly revived "Dunhill" blends could have been nothing more than tin art and some ad copy, a reasonably low risk foray into breathing new interest in a failing marque and it didn't succeed. If a product isn't making sufficient profit it gets the hook.
Corporations change direction all the time. In the mid 1990's, Warner Bros decided to return to the animated feature business after seeing the eye popping profits Disney was making. They built a lavish 50,000 square foot facility with state of the art technology in Sherman Oaks, and optioned another 50,000 square feet which they built out for extra television production space in the same building.
Unfortunately, they picked a number of very inept people to run the feature division and they lost enormous amounts of money on the enterprise. The feature division closed shop. Then Warners managed to lose other top creatives and the other animation divisions began to fail. A facility intended to house a thousand working artists was down to a handful before Warners pulled the plug on their Sherman Oaks facility and move the survivors to a bunch of trailers on the Ranch property. For a while, Warner animation was completely off the air.
Now animation is booming again and Warners has leased office space, but they're not building any more palaces. Lesson learned.
You can have a project on track for years before it becomes clear that it isn't going to succeed.