Man, I think this is getting over thought. Tobacconist for years have done it with their hands. But, if forever plastics mixed into the tobacco trip your trigger, by all means, use gloves. Forty years of mixing tobacco by hand - buying from tobacconist who mixed it by hand without gloves has taught me not to worry. But then, when I conceal carry, it is always in Condition One.
Most of the leaf I jar arrives in plastic trays or bags, so a little more contact with plastic probably does not matter.Not to bore people here with Gardner, but yes, when taken to the extreme like those who in the school system were want to do, his ideas can easily be misapplied. But the basic premise that the mind can express itself intelligently in more ways then just math and science is sound enough and is readily apparent to anyone who has done business with anyone who is talented in a their given field, whether it is a plumber, runner, or a musician. God gave us five senses - use them.
I don’t mean to pick a fight over any of this, so I should better explain myself. I do think Gardner’s work is at base unscientific, and it was aimed by him at the field of education. Consequently, he must bear responsibility for its application. As someone who has to live with his work’s influence on administrators, I have a hard time not getting my dander up when his name is invoked.