The Value of Handling Tobacco?

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Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
Man, I think this is getting over thought. Tobacconist for years have done it with their hands. But, if forever plastics mixed into the tobacco trip your trigger, by all means, use gloves. Forty years of mixing tobacco by hand - buying from tobacconist who mixed it by hand without gloves has taught me not to worry. But then, when I conceal carry, it is always in Condition One.
Not to bore people here with Gardner, but yes, when taken to the extreme like those who in the school system were want to do, his ideas can easily be misapplied. But the basic premise that the mind can express itself intelligently in more ways then just math and science is sound enough and is readily apparent to anyone who has done business with anyone who is talented in a their given field, whether it is a plumber, runner, or a musician. God gave us five senses - use them.
Most of the leaf I jar arrives in plastic trays or bags, so a little more contact with plastic probably does not matter.

I don’t mean to pick a fight over any of this, so I should better explain myself. I do think Gardner’s work is at base unscientific, and it was aimed by him at the field of education. Consequently, he must bear responsibility for its application. As someone who has to live with his work’s influence on administrators, I have a hard time not getting my dander up when his name is invoked.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 7, 2024
Sealy Texas
Just wait till you end up making your own blends and you are mixing a pound at a time with your own hands.
Maybe someday but at this point in my life I am perfectly happy with the blends I'm buying and my way if preparation. However if mixing your own is your deal go for it and enjoy.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
Rare are the people possessing both education and intelligence.

We should never confuse education with intelligence. One can have a masters degree and still be an idiot.

I am speaking empirically. Many of you may have reached similar conclusion.

Doctors, Surgeons, Lawyers and Educators whom cannot navigate society with any more common sense than a growing adolescent.

Professionals whom are no more emotionally matured than adolescents. Whom outside of their area of expertise throw tantrums.

Why are there so few physically, mentally and emotionally fit people? I’m not fond of the species.

The OP asked about skin oils and tobacco.

- Wash your hands.
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Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
The ones who are educated and think they are intelligent, that run their mouth only to show their ignorance. Don't care much for them myself.
The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep.

Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says,"Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see?"

The Lone Ranger replies, "I see millions of stars."

"What that tell you?" asked Tonto.

The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, "Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.

Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.

Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning.

Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant.

Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.

What's it tell you, Tonto?”

"Kemo Sabe, Someone has stolen tent."


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Most of the leaf I jar arrives in plastic trays or bags, so a little more contact with plastic probably does not matter.

I don’t mean to pick a fight over any of this, so I should better explain myself. I do think Gardner’s work is at base unscientific, and it was aimed by him at the field of education. Consequently, he must bear responsibility for its application. As someone who has to live with his work’s influence on administrators, I have a hard time not getting my dander up when his name is invoked.
Gardner made it very clear to me personally that his work was not aimed at education or educators. He told me personally, it was co-opted by educators. At that point he did his best to deal with it. People’s works are bastardized all the time. Regardless, the idea that there is more than one way to skin a cat is as old as time. I stand by my original premise: Getting your hands dirty and doing something yourself gives you an appreciation and understanding for something you might not truly have understood as deeply had you not dug in and done it yourself. This has nothing to do with mysterious nodes in the brain or college degrees.

Let me be clear: If you don’t want to touch the tobacco directoy- use gloves. I think their is benefit to coming into direct contact - I gave my reasons. If someone is afraid of contamination that might spoil the tobacco later- don’t touch it directly. 😂


Sep 17, 2023
+1 to the above post. This is a huge part of why education exposes people to subjects they dont later "Use". Everyone who takes an art class will not be an artist...the same with music and so much more. It helps us to understand that there are differnet realities...not just our own. That is the true value of education. With some exposure we can at least imagine that there is something going on outside our own skin.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
+1 to the above post. This is a huge part of why education exposes people to subjects they dont later "Use". Everyone who takes an art class will not be an artist...the same with music and so much more. It helps us to understand that there are differnet realities...not just our own. That is the true value of education. With some exposure we can at least imagine that there is something going on outside our own skin.
As a society we have devalued the power of observation, preferring to educate.

are wonderful avenues of understanding, while dogma should take a back seat.

That’s the antithesis of learning and is not how science is done.

My comments were not aimed at any of my brothers on this forum.

I come from a family of medical doctors, some of whom need to be handheld to negotiate a grocery store. But in their fields are at the top of their games.

There’s another lesson I suppose, and that is, Stay in out lanes.

Time to wash my hands and load the Meer. It’s Pegasus time!
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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Don't for get the taxpayer!

The taxpayer gets robbed to a greater extent.

The majority of the money students pay goes to Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors, Deans, Directors... everybody but the classroom instructor. It's funneled into buildings, programs, etc. Students are charged outrageous fees and then are told that people who didn't go to college should somehow subsidize the tuition of those who have gone to college. WTF. Yes, I was an assistant professor and I was a part of the system, but it was clear to me that the system was corrupt and that it was either purposely or unintentionally (not sure about the latter) corrupting students by one, leading them to believe somehow their certification made them somehow more intelligent on matters or anything and everything, and two, it provides them a world view that divides them from everyone who doesn't have their "college experience" (something that now means lots of partying and one night stands at the tax payers' expense) by leading them to believe that they have information that is more "correct".

More often than not, it has become less about getting an education that makes you a more well rounded thinker and more about a right of passage that ultimately puts you into debt but is required for advancement at many of the jobs they may want to hold in the future.

Gardner, whom I referred to earlier, was specifically referenced in my post, because he was an early advocate that just excelling in math or language is not a good indicator of a person's intelligence and that there are many types of intelligences - most in fact - that don't require college. Yes, as usual, the education system bastardized his work - something he deeply regretted and never meant to happen - he didn't even have educators in mind when he did his research - although educators quickly became his main source of funding. Plumbers, electricians, the cop on the street, landscapers, and most everyone, artists, musicians, and I suppose pipe smokers (that's a joke) have areas of the brain that they may excel in and in their own field, make them highly intelligent in ways other people simply can't compare. It's arrogance to think that a college education makes one smart or smarter. Maybe long ago in the past, but those days are gone. It's been co-opted by a type of fascism that is both relentless and toxic to the rest of society.

Again, I apologize to the OP for what has become an unintended bird walk from his question and hope this will be the end of it.

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
I mean the topic was pretty damn strange...

This thing needed to be derailed. Haha

Plus, the money the students pay is made of from grants and tax deductable scholarships.

The taxpayer is paying for the whole situation.
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Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
Rare are the people possessing both education and intelligence.

We should never confuse education with intelligence. One can have a masters degree and still be an idiot.

I am speaking empirically. Many of you may have reached similar conclusion.

Doctors, Surgeons, Lawyers and Educators whom cannot navigate society with any more common sense than a growing adolescent.

Professionals whom are no more emotionally matured than adolescents. Whom outside of their area of expertise throw tantrums.

Why are there so few physically, mentally and emotionally fit people? I’m not fond of the species.

The OP asked about skin oils and tobacco.

- Wash your hands.
One of the professors I respected most kept his graduate students grounded by frequently reminding them that a PhD is far more a measure of perseverance than intelligence.

As for the species as a whole, my optimistic days are few and far between. But, hey, if more people spent time handling tobacco and contemplating the finer details of a real, lived experience instead of stupor-scrolling TikTok, then we would all be the better for it.
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Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
Welcome to our Forum!

You mentioned you came from cigars and may have experience with Forums where Gutteral Rasps and Clacking of Molars are common responses.

But this is a pipe forum and, as such.. we have quite the opposite problem.

I love the fact that you joined us this very month!

Welcome to the greatest forum on Earth!

You are likely shaking your head in disbelief.


-Wash your hands.
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Might Stick Around
Nov 7, 2024
Northern Indiana
Welcome to our Forum!

You mentioned you came from cigars and may have experience with Forums where Gutteral Rasps and Clacking of Molars are common responses.

But this is a pipe forum and, as such.. we have quite the opposite problem.

I love the fact that you joined us this very month!

Welcome to the greatest forum on Earth!

You are likely shaking your head in disbelief.


-Wash your hands.
Something like that, lol. It took me awhile to relax and let it happen, kinda like smoke rolling around me.
And not to poke the embers: the OP was about the virtues of non-hand-washing. Probably not the attitude one would expect from a (presently) retired nurse. Unless you thought about it. :)
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 10, 2023
Belgium, Flanders
Theres a strong learning curve, around 1 year in I learned a technique that never fails to deliver awesome smokes. Almost always 1/2 lights a smoke. Just jam it in there but never pack with you index finger only the pad of your thumb. It becomes an instinct of sorts lol.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
Theres a strong learning curve, around 1 year in I learned a technique that never fails to deliver awesome smokes. Almost always 1/2 lights a smoke. Just jam it in there but never pack with you index finger only the pad of your thumb. It becomes an instinct of sorts lol.
My wife’s Practice is Infectious Disease. -Clean Hands Save Lives.

On edit: This response was meant for @tolstoyevsky - OP and Nurse Retired.

“Not all heroes wear capes”

@gcm - Since I answered your post,

“Just jam it in there clean.”
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