Hello guys, look, I see the topic is still raging on. Some of it has been directed to me. Some people are claiming the thread is the reason why pipe forums are dying but I don't really think so. 99.99% of the time, this place runs smooth as butter. But I do think there is a very important matter at stake here that should not be missed.
Forgive me, I am not well and am going through my own personal travails. I have never been on a pipe forum before this. I was not here 7-8 years ago and cannot say how things were like then, but what I've seen here in the months I lurked and the months since I've joined, I will say this: I don't see any problems with this forum other than the one we are maybe creating for ourselves!
I can't read or respond to everything said here, but to a few specific points:
* Kudos to everyone here. I haven't any other pipe forum to compare it to, I am not a big social media participator, but I've found this to be just a great place to belong! There are obviously lots of real good friends here and in general, great camaraderie and friendship between many of the people. Be careful not to ever damage that. IMO, three of the biggest assets here are members Duane (ChasingEmbers), Cosmic (Michael), and MSO489 (If I got that right). I could list 20 others right behind them. Cherish this place.
* Don't look to fix the wheel that ain't broken. But it doesn't hurt to do a little introspection once in a while.
* Nate was right: coming onto a group, it is your job to be be vetted first and let people get to know you. Then climb up their ass (as it were) and tell them what is wrong with them. :mrgreen: Not that I am intending that here. Don't join a forum as the OP did and start right off trying to change the world as the OP did. That is plain bull. That should be common sense to most people but the guy was told that 50 times. Still did not matter. I see the guy has left--- really, all for the better. You can't please everyone, but not only to I disagree that this forum has an issue, I disagree with how the OP went about starting his whole thread. Better to lose one guy than to piss off or lose 50 others. IMO, the guy was just a bad egg destined to cause problems with the way he went about talking to others.
* If pipe forums are dying, it isn't because of one occasional rogue thread IMO, where one person starts a fracas. It is because tobacco in general is being attacked on all sides. Is this place dying? I don't think so, every which way I turn I see brand new members! That 9 out of 10 of them turn out good, contributing members is a success story. But don't fret that you cannot please everybody.
* I apologize for my long posts here. Take my opinions for what they're worth. I'm only saying it because I care for this place and have been asked. I have belonged to other forums that were similar to this (owned by a business interest tied to the market at hand) and with similar problems, and I've seen them damaged/destroyed by over-reaction, over-moderation and too much political correctness in trying to keep an even keel!
* To Kevin: Hi Kevin, I'm a happy customer of yours, a retired CEO, and yes owner of and/or moderator of some other forums (2), but they are private and professional, not public as this is. But I have never needed to close a thread since 2008 and have only booted one person off after giving them the chance to reconsider. This is a public forum, and you have a business interest at stake. What would I have done? The best moderation IMO is the moderation that you do not even notice. A gentle nudge here, a kind suggestion there. It works with reasonable, intelligent people. IMO, closing a thread should not be done without warning first that it is imminent, and only as a last resort. To be honest, I don't read rules because I feel my reasonable behavior should never be a problem! But you can bog down a group with too many rules and regulations. Sometimes it is better just to make it short, sweet and general. Play nice, have fun and be reasonable. I think 99% of the people here do that 99% of the time.
It is your show here. The mods know the game. It's not my place to tell you or anyone how to do anything. But if left up to me, I would approach a thread of concern first openly giving a friendly warning. Second, PM an individual if they still did not get the message. Third, either moderate them (block their posting for a time if that is possible here) or THEN close the thread. Just slamming the door w/o warning sends a very bad message.
We are adults here and people need to both act as reasonable adults here and deserve treatment in kind. But if a member cannot meet that very simple need, then maybe they need to move on. Come back some other time once they have sorted out their problem.
You don't join a fishing group then proceed to tell everyone that they do too much fishing. When people join a forum, it is THEIR job to fit in, not the other way around.
But then, I don't know the realities of the staff's time here to deal with all the threads! I try to follow a lot of them but you cannot follow it all. In the end, you guys have to do as you see best.
I'm sorry the guy left. But IMO, he totally forced the issue. His leaving was crocodile tears. josephcross said it best when he said trolling 101. The snob thread was actually pretty good! It was hilarious and funny. But behind it all was a subtle message to the OP: if everyone is marching to a different step, maybe it is YOU who needs to get in line! IMO this place does not need to change a damn thing. Just maybe a little more proactive in gentle reminders and a little less eager in solving everything with a closed thread. This is a GREAT GROUP. I see no problems here than the ones we create for ourselves. If it were up to me, I would simply end this thread, forget about it and move on as I will try to do, back to the way things were before.
WHAT A GREAT PLACE that we can talk about the fine details of a $2000 pipe, world events, and even personal problems of our lives all in one breath. Kevin, you should be charging $250 membership fees because this place is therapy for us all! One very disruptive person can be dealt with far better than to tie all of us up with all of this soul-searching, especially when the real problem here isn't the attitudes of existing members, it is the boldness of that one rare person who joins a forum only to proceed in immediately criticizing it before he has been here long enough to even get to know anybody. Maybe in time he will reconsider his methods and come back to us.
This is a great place. Don't ever change or lose it.
Thanks for reading.