Not to mention a self-inflicted high stick followed by a phantom high stick that led to a 5 on 3 goal for the bolts. They did, in fact, get hosed in game 6.
And why can’t that play be reviewed? They keep harping about replay being needed to “get it right”; yet have so many restrictions upon replay.
Another one I saw; I think it was the Pitt/NY series. They call a no goal cause ref can’t see puck. (Right call by the way); yet overturn on replay, despite STILL not being able to see the puck. Was it in all likelihood in? Definitely. But replay states you need DEFINITIVE proof to overturn, and that WASN’T met. As you COULDN’T see the puck on replay.?

But fuck it, oh well.
So the institute replay to solve bad calls, yet Toronto still makes bad calls. What’s the point? And you can’t challenge a myriad of ?calls.
Not to mention, your supposed to have a few moments to review a play before challenging (I believe the threshold is 30 seconds) yet I’ve seen them give several teams this year MINUTES. How do you hold certain teams to the 30 sec standard, and give carte Blanche to others?