The Name is Tobacco But You Can Call Me....

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Sounds like a narrow minded view by someone who is stuck in a small world

Shaming people for shaming people is two wrongs trying two do right. Me? Well, I am with the radioshow episodes where Brian said that it was such a stupid thing to hear someone say, and it's been hacked around in pipeforums for years now. In fact, I remember reading the whole forum storm with rage at someone posting "bakky" before I ever joined here. It was one of the traits about this forum that endeared me to join... that, and corn cob bashing.
But, use the phrase all you want. It doesn't bother me or upset me. I am more open minded than that. No, I just envision someone who would say something like that as being someone who hates humanity so much that they get the word "HATE" or "Satan" tattooed on their neck or get the side of their mouth pieced so we see the cud of the tobacco they are chewing with black spittle running down the side of their head. Or, maybe an old coot from deep in the mountains dancing a little barefoot jig with delight in their coon skin speedos and dusty old leather hat, singing "backy, bakky!" and cackling with delight.
Praise be to ye, for just saying whatever you want in any old way you want. But, you can't control what we think. Use the phrase with pride... kind of like seeing a grown ass man wearing a Scottish skirt in a room full of normal people. Do it.. It gives the rest of us something to chuckle about. I won't be putting you down for it... out loud. :puffy:



Aug 2, 2016
Cosmic, I've never had the opportunity to wear a kilt, though seen many who did but only at Scottish festivals. That would have been the only lace I'd have been caught dead wearing one had I purchased one. :D



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
See those dudes at beer festivals all the time as well. I saw one at the last Great Alaska Beer and Barleywine Festival that had, I shit you not, a leather kilt on. Not like cowboy or biker leather, like leather daddy fetish leather. You gotta wonder what happened to that dude at some point in his life to make that a reasonable, nay, preferable choice of attire for the occasion. Or ever.
I guess it takes all kinds of folks, as they say.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2017
.......its my opinion. I don't agree with something and consider someone else's views narrow minded...that;s my's not judgemental it's how It comes across to me.......and put your forum police book back in your pocket.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Baccy's fine, but terms like hobby and community sound too much like euphemisms to cover shame for being a tobacco user.
Word. Hobby? I guess it could be for some. I smoke 5 to 7 bowls per day and enjoy each one tremendously. It goes way past hobby for me. If you consider eating and drinking a hobby, then I suppose I could call pipe smoking a hobby. I don't get the community thing, that's where people live. But if you like to refer to this place as a community, have a happy.



Mar 25, 2016
Doesn't take much to get this community worked up over nomenclature and idiom with regards to our hobby. Guess I'll go pipe some baccy ...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 4, 2017
It seems to me that many people with less that a year smoking gravitate to the term over assuming its "cool kid" daily use. Do you feel similarly?
I generally agree. It doesn't bother or offend me, but it usually sticks out and feels unnatural like an attempt to use a lingo the user doesn't know--"Look I heard this once on Little House on the Prarie and maybe if I casually drop it in conversation I will look like I've been doing this forever."
Of course, it can also be used consciously and unseriously, and that is totally different.



Jan 5, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Sounds like a narrow minded view by someone who is stuck in a small world.
Glad to hear it's just your opinion and not, you know, a personal shot at the OP. We wouldn't want to have that, now would we. The forum police book will stay close to hand, you never know when it will be needed.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
@krizzose, your remarks definitely fit your "Happy Fun Ball" demeanor. You certainly have me laughing over here. Sorry that it comes at your outrage's expense.



Jul 9, 2011
OK folk, sharpen your talons, hoist your brickbats, I'm coming out of retirement, as a Teacher-Librarian, to ask that before you pooh-pooh the use of "hobby" and "community," you go to your Merriam-Webster and check out the actual definitions of those terms. And, I don't care what you call tobacco. However, I feel, unless it is a cultural or regional custom, the use of "baccy" is pure affectation. That said, language usage is as varied as our pipe and tobacco choices. Embrace the beauty of those choices.

And so to bed.

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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
By that logic and definition, smoking cigarettes and marijuana are hobbies. :rofl:


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
For those that smoke once or twice per week, I can understand being a hobbyist smoker, but for those of us that smoke multiple times per day during daily activities it's less hobby and more just something we do like lacing boots or mowing the lawn. That being said, it can enhance a hobby.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Lovely pipe, Duane.
Thanks! That's a Jason Beverage Eggfish from J. Everett Pipes.
And your puzzle acquisition disorder is growing :rofl:
No kidding, now that I know there are artisan twisty puzzle designers I'm really in trouble! :rofl:

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