The Name is Tobacco But You Can Call Me....

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Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
Clearly, some don't like that. After this thread, if I use 'baccy, I'm probably pulling your chain.
Now that the Baccy Cat is out of the bag it will be interesting to see if its usage will become scarce or prolific. Perhaps this will be the turning point and I'll fully embrace the term


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Until I joined this forum, I had never heard the term baccy. Older folks I knew as a child would call it baccer though.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Doesn’t bother me in the slightest, it’s just a shortened way of saying tobacco. There are much greater issues in the world than to let the term ‘baccy’ bother you. I’ve used it from time to time myself. When I’m visiting forums on my phone, which is 99.9% of the time I like to shorten things up bit, I realize it’s only two letters but it all adds up when typing out posts on my phone with my gigantic fingers. You’re not the first to voice your concern over the term though, I can think of at least 2 other threads with the same complaint. I don’t get it.
Now, what baccy am I gonna smoke next? Hmmmm... :puffy: I’ve got to enjoy this hobby of mine and share my joy with the community.



Aug 2, 2016
anataandroscoggin, true that. I'm not one for T-ahirts with graphics but, while attending a now defunct Scottish festival, which was held on Beltane, (owing to my Ulster-Scot heritage), couldn't pass up this lovely one featuring a line of Scotsman on a hill holding up their claymores with a lone piper alongside. And, yes, to be called a piper one plays the pipes. I'm fine with baccy. But weed? I came of age around '72 and weed was always pot/cannabis/mary jane, etc, not tobacco. Unless of course you called it wacky tobaccy. :D



Nov 24, 2015
I assume it's a regional thing, primarily Southern. I am big into the retention of Culture, so I approve of the use of the word.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I think you mean, what baccy are you going to pipe next. 'Smoke' has such a connotation of smoking. Not at all in line with the community of fellow pipers engaged in this hobby. :nana:



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Don't use 'baccy', but I'm not bothered by it. I mostly use 'toby', especially when posting here and trying to avoid repetition (pack the tobacco using the Frank Method, then char the tobacco with a match, tamp down the tobacco to even it out, then do the final light, move the flame in a circle to light all the tobacco...—argh, way too many iterations of tobacco toby).



Feb 14, 2019
I have two pipe tobacco products with the word 'baccy' right on them. The first is an old glass tobacco humidor with 'baccy' on it. The second is a 'BaccyFlap', which is a handy little container for your pocket. As far as the term 'baccy', I use it all the time. Like when I say "git yure grubby clam-diggers offa me baccy, dadgummit!'. :D



Might Stick Around
May 18, 2019
Im in California now but im from the north east of England, any pipe tobacco but mostly roll your own cigy tobacco was and still is called baccy



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2017
"Do my soft assumptions irk you?".................Yes
Sounds like a narrow minded view by someone who is stuck in a small world.
In the North East of England the word baccy is used nearly everyday.



Jan 5, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Little harsh there, North. Try not to be so judgmental, eh? And you might want to read the Forum Rules, especially # 10. The OP broached the subject in a lighthearted manner. I think that he was right when he identified regional language differences and generational influences when it comes to the use of the word baccy. I use the word when it suits.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 25, 2015
Southeast US
I feel similarly. Irked.

Though growing up in rural NC I did hear that as a youth. Just don’t like it! My grandfather was the picture of southern grace. He would say, “tobbacca” - in that field ‘over yonder’

That’s distant but within sight.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
Sounds like a narrow minded view by someone who is stuck in a small world
@northernpipeshed, I am glad that these comments were focused in my general direction and not some of our Pipe Magazine Legends. Folks who's pipe knowledge and superb thinking processes far exceed my own. With that said please rest assured that I was only trying to evoke some thoughts on the term "Baccy" to elevate the post beyond the perception that I was simply complaining about the term. I am genuinely interested in term because I have not been exposed to it despite the fact that I have visited half of our great union and smoked in half a dozen countries overseas. I don't consider reaching out to hundreds of people and asking for insights as perpetuating being "someone who is stuck in a small world" @mau1 Thanks for helping explain my original intentions.
I find that some of my favorite threads cover a simple topic in an open forum manner. This allows everyone to share what the subject matter means to them. We learn a little more about each other with every contribution made. We know who might be likely to crack a joke, who might be the most knowledge in the cyber room, and who might be the first to ruffle feathers or have feathers ruffled.
My footer quote was borrowed from a forum members and has been unchanged for a few years now. It reads ""I am a firm believer in the idea that who we are today is strongly influenced by the sum total of all of the individuals whom we have had the privilege of knowing"



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2015
Sacramento, CA
I think MSO nailed it. It doesn't bother me when it's used authentically. But when it's used in a pseudo folksy manner it's off-putting such as in the sentence, "I like to smoke my baccy whilst lunting about." No one in my area has ever "lunted". We walk or we hike. And we do things "while" doing other things. If you speak with an English accent and you say whilst, I will believe it.



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
Hobby is one that bugs me, too. I mean I get it, there's certainly more of a hobbyish element to it than, say, sucking down a pack of Marlboros. But at the same time, it also feels like a cover word for tobacco shame/Nic addiction. I suppose it depends on the smoker and how/why/with what they smoke, etc.
It just instantly reminds me of a thank you note Jimmy Fallon once wrote that said "Thank you Craft Beer, for making my alcoholism seem like a fun hobby."
Never been bothered by baccy, and obviously not piper, hahaha. When I hear the word smoker I immediately think of a cigarette smoker so I think it's a valid distinction. And a community is a community whether you're sipping wine or shooting heroin, so that one has never bothered me either. Just means folks with a shared interest or common goals, attitudes, etc.

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