A 92 year old man went to the doctor one day. The doctor performed his checkup and after all was said and done, the doctor looked at the man and said, "Sir, at 92 years of age you are in the peak of physical health. You are an absolutely perfect specimen. Tell me sir, how are things in your life right now? How is your relationship with your wife?" The 92 year old man replied, "Doctor, not only do I have a great relationship with my wife, but I have developed a great relationship with God. See, God knows that I am losing my eyesight. But he has taken mercy on me, and when I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, God turns on the bathroom light for me. When my business is done, I leave the bathroom, and God turns the light back off for me." The doctor, astounded, calls the mans wife. "Maam, your husband is not only in perfect physical condition, but he also told me of his relationship with God. Now, maam, is it really true that God turns the light on for him when he goes to the bathroom and then turns the light off after he leaves the bathroom?" The wife lets out a heavy sigh on the phone and tells the doctor, "Aw damnit, hes pissing the refrigerator again."