I like a cake in my cobs and briars. My meers, not so much.Lazy. some of us clean ream and polish after every smoke. Sometimes I don't even use a pipe cleaner after 3 or 4 smokes.
I like a cake in my cobs and briars. My meers, not so much.Lazy. some of us clean ream and polish after every smoke. Sometimes I don't even use a pipe cleaner after 3 or 4 smokes.
I've quit using them altogether on my meerschaums. I just blow any moisture and residue back into the chamber. Why rob the pipe of more of what it needs for coloring?Sometimes I don't even use a pipe cleaner after 3 or 4 smokes.
I do the same. No reason to really clean them.I've quit using them altogether on my meerschaums. I just blow any moisture and residue back into the chamber. Why rob the pipe of more of what it needs for coloring?
Exactly! It has worked for 100+ years. I doubt anyone was buying Dills Pipe cleaners in 1880. Probably a quick blow through or a bit of wire or the odd Sea Gull feather and on to the next bowl of rough shag!!I've quit using them altogether on my meerschaums. I just blow any moisture and residue back into the chamber. Why rob the pipe of more of what it needs for coloring?
Trying to clean out my mini-meer with a pipe cleaner was always frustrating, maybe I'll start smoking it more if I can skip that!I've quit using them altogether on my meerschaums. I just blow any moisture and residue back into the chamber. Why rob the pipe of more of what it needs for coloring?
Looks like it. Could be anything, I'm guessing temporary.Did Altinay have his website shut down or something?
Can't say that I've smoked it much since I last updated, maybe a couple bowls. Been smoking a new briar instead, and I just caught a very nasty cold this week, so it has not got the action that it deserves
Then you are in the wrong thread!!! LolAll of mine look like this in the inside of the bowl.
View attachment 203338
Yeah, me too. I just thought that cake cracking meerschaum sounds like bullshit. Maybe it will crack, but if cake is strong enough to crack a decently hard mineral, it should probably still have the force to crack a briar, which is very uncommon if not unheard of? But I doubt that this will benefit the meer or improve coloring, except me smoking it more.I can't wait to see the conclusion of this. I've always been told never to build a cake in a meer that it would crack it. As I'm sure most everyone else has been told as well.
I never enjoy smokingWell i think the smoking it more will help the coloringbut I think the important part is to enjoy doing it. I look forward to seeing your updates.
Is it just the way I see it or is there more cake in the bottom of the chamber than the top? Especially on the right near the draft hole?
I had to take the photo at an angle because the camera kept focusing on the rim. Barely any cake at the bottom.Is it just the way I see it or is there more cake in the bottom of the chamber than the top? Especially on the right near the draft hole?
Just wait till I'm finished with building mine. I did just ream it about 5 bowls ago, but I'm hitting it hard now. I'm kinda hoping it cracks. I miss my briars lmao