The Dying Art of Manliness.

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 4, 2014
Derfargin, I have read through this thread many times, and yes I find the humour or many of the posts very entertaining. And appreciate the comments of those who took it serious and posted their own definition of what makes a man. So while reading through I have laughed and taken to mind the sentiments of the other posters here. However I can't help but notice each time that I read through that you degraded my pseudonym, the name I use on here. I find it did respectful and insulting. I don't think you would do that to a person in person so I don't think it should be done on the internet. I hope you did it by mistake.
Oh, and too Smokey Bear, if I were interviewing a fella for a job and he handed me his pocket knife and said look at this as a sign of the quality of care I take in do my assigned tasks. I would hire him. Not that sharpening a knife even applies to the skill set required to do the job.

Its not about knife sharpening its about care taken to do a job well. Anyone can write a resume, you can hire a professional to write that for you. I have been fooled by resumes before. I can tell more by how his car is kept and other signs of how he takes care of personal things, you can see more by looking at his car, knife, pipe, or tools for the job than his resume. If you take my meaning.

Aug 14, 2012
Are you saying I am a girl because I never tied a fishing lure? Wait a minute, I am getting my garterbelt to smack you with.



Oct 18, 2013
Going for a record on this thread ... what's the longest "Manly thread" in the past? :roll:
Necromancer ... who degraded your name??

Lol ... just a little manly ribbing.

I re-read Defargin's one and only post and couldn't see what you meant.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 4, 2014
derfargin said "@ necron88".

which I perceive as the intentional mispelling or mispronunciation of my pseudonym, Which where I come from is derogatory. I have tried to over look it.
Props to Foggymountain for the funniest reply on this thread.



May 15, 2014
I wouldn't read anything into it. Here is America, Necrons are a race of robotic skeleton warriors from a table top strategy game called Warhammer 40,000 but I can only assume you named yourself for the assassin in the 1977 movie Wizards by Bakshi.



Mar 22, 2011
"which I perceive as the intentional mispelling or mispronunciation of my pseudonym, Which where I come from is derogatory."
Really? Where you come from, people take offense to the intentional misspelling of their internet pseudonyms? So it happens often enough that the residents of a particular geographic location have agreed to be insulted by the same thing?
And did you intentionally misspell "misspelling"? Where I come from, that's known as "irony".
Sorry Necron, nothing personal, but these "manly" threads crop up every so often and it's no longer a matter of IF they get ridiculous, but HOW.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 4, 2014
There is a way to deal with a thread you don't like. Ignore it. I suppose I should inquire a list of all topics to avoid.
The reason I posted this was because a fella in his thirties asked me to show him how to do a brake job on his wife's mini van. As a nice guy I agreed to help the man. He does the best he can but don't make a lot of money and has a wife and kids, and apparently no one to help him with these types of essentials. So I had him bring the car and what ever tools he had and began to instruct him on how to do the job. This poor guy had no understanding of how to use even the basic tools.

So I posted a thread on here about my thoughts. I had no idea it was going to foment so much vitriol.

my deepest apology forgive me for I have surely sinned.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I thought that we were discussing this with civility. Until you got offended, I was thoroughly enjoy this, both sides of the discussion were doing well. I don't hate the thread. I think that this is something worthy of discussing. It just makes me smile when it does come up. It's almost always the same thing.
It almost always ends with a consensus that "discussing manly is not very manly," and then inevitably someone supporting manliness gets mad, screams, and locks herself in her room. :puffy: - Me, I could give a rats ass about manly. I don't think you'd want to walk in my shoes, and I don't want to walk in anyone else's.

But, please continue. This is my favorite thread so far, ha ha.



Oct 10, 2013
I would say that listening, considering other viewpoints and speaking your mind in a well-thought out and civil manner are manly traits. Womanly traits, too. And my two Labs carry it all off fairly well.
But WTF do I know? I can't even build my own f'n plasma particle accelerator. It's so embarrassing.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 4, 2014
Your dogs can, considering other viewpoints and speaking their mind in a well-thought out and civil manner?
probably as well as most people anyway.



Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2014
Not offended at all, but all points are well taken. Since I had a triple spinal fusion I have to hire people not less manly but just can't physically do it. I see the point though, I could explain to someone how to do it! Why the red is + and the black is -, how to tie a bow tie, to sharpen a knife with a whetstone to set the ignition points on 1953 Buick with a matchbook because the gap is .035 in. which is usually standard on ignition points! Don't ask me to tune up my Mercedes, but I know it runs on the principal of a gasoline internal combustion engine that relies on spark. I think the point is in this technological society things have been made too easy, you push a button and there it is, not going to the library an d taking out a book or learning by watching and helping but just Googling it or watching a you tube video. IMHO this has contributed not too incompetence but indolence, just plain laziness and I'm 42! No one is less manly just spoiled.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 13, 2014
In order to further explain my previous post, I will say this. I was having a moment, bad day, and it feels like I haven't smoked a pipe in forever! lol. So I got some dip! It helps but it sucks. And according to Copenhagen its for real men lol. :rofl:



Jan 21, 2014
Necron99 you started a great thread and it's been bloody hilarious! A real mix of serious and twisted/wrong. But you were always going to take some stick - to my mind, giving and taking stick is another part of manliness. :laughat: Best laugh I've had in ages and I'd never seen the Monty Python clip posted by Condor1 before, so that's a bonus.



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
Derfargin, I have read through this thread many times, and yes I find the humour or many of the posts very entertaining. And appreciate the comments of those who took it serious and posted their own definition of what makes a man. So while reading through I have laughed and taken to mind the sentiments of the other posters here. However I can't help but notice each time that I read through that you degraded my pseudonym, the name I use on here. I find it did respectful and insulting. I don't think you would do that to a person in person so I don't think it should be done on the internet. I hope you did it by mistake.
I do apologize for the misspelling of your pseudonym it truly wasn't intentional. In relation to where the 8 is to 9 that kind of stuff happens. I typically type without looking at the keys, and we all "fat finger" from time to time.
It seems like you're rather agitated and looking to find ways where people are attacking you. Case in point here, where you took a simple typo on my part, and jumped to the conclusion that I was making some kind of attempt take a "shot" at YOU. Please understand, that the topic is really what's motivating lots of the responses. It has nothing to do with you at all. As it's been said before, this topic is started by someone every few months, and whenever it's brought up again, it gets the same kind of response.
I might be a little late in saying this, but "Try not to take it personally."



Sep 20, 2011
In order to further explain my previous post, I will say this. I was having a moment, bad day, and it feels like I haven't smoked a pipe in forever! lol. So I got some dip! It helps but it sucks. And according to Copenhagen its for real men lol.
Cheers, my friend. Nicotine starvation is a bitch. Truth be told, I too succumb to the Copenhagen on occasion. It is the preferred form of tobacco consumption in my neck of the woods and, while it might be "manly", my wife has some flowering adjectives for how she finds the "aroma" on my breath..... Copenhagen still sends me the occasional "manly" gift as part of their marketing: I've a hip flask, a multi-tool, and a bottle opener.

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