Masculinity is a taboo topic here due to female membership?
I wouldn't think so. And hats off to the gentlemen raising their daughters.
I think the same sentiment as the OP expressed goes both ways. My wife, for example, makes dyes for fleece out of gathered plants. She fine-butchers venison joints, cleans ducks and rabbits, and castrates her own lambs. But she also has a master's degree and looks damn good in a little summer dress.
We don't have to pick one thing to be. We don't have to be a farmer or an executive; if we want to, we can be both. Life is, among other things, about acquiring the maximum number of skills and experiences possible in order to understand the full range of human ability. And that holds true for both genders.
I can't speak for the OP, and he chose his own examples of what is wincingly referred to as "manliness". But what I take from his post is that the trap of modernity is that we may become one-dimensional if we're not careful to continuously expand our interests and experiences.