The Contrarian Nature of Internet Posts

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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
One of the most positive aspects of posting or responding to a thread on the internet is that a poster can quickly ask a question, make an observation, or contribute to a discussion. By and large, this should be a positive experience.

However... there are other posters who love to respond in a manner that either derails the conversation, changes the conversation, or blockades the conversation for moving forward. Why? I suppose for many reasons.

But one of the most frustrating responses a poster can make to derail a thread is the contrarian response; a response that is either designed to make the OP look stupid, mindless, or simply a fool.

For instance; a poster might state that he or she is having issues with using a "charring light". The response might be, "That's ridiculous. I light my pipes on the first light. I have no issues."

But we've all seen it where it gets truly ridiculous. It wouldn't surprise me if an OP were to say, "The sky is blue," and another person would reply, "Not in my area. The sky is never blue."

To some extent, this is a function of forums in general. They love short, snappy, and quick statements. Of course. And the more entertaining the better.

My question is this: How do you rate the level of discourse on Is it helpful, off-track, insipid, mind bending, or top notch. Why?


Nov 26, 2018
Honest truth is, I don't take pipe smoking all that seriously. It's smoking. It's enjoyable. If we can't have few laughs what good is it? Sometimes, I do notice the OP is dead serious and really wants the answer then I might give the answer being asked. Otherwise, laugh is good for you. It's not like I have the key to the nuclear football.


Mar 7, 2013
Humans will always human.

What they are is how they act. Large scale behaviors evolved because they helped the species survive.

Echoes and artifacts of those primal behaviors can be found everywhere, in everything.

Internet forums are no exception.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
That's the nature of the beast. Plus, where would we be if everyone was unnaturally agreeable?

My question is this: How do you rate the level of discourse on Is it helpful, off-track, insipid, mind bending, or top notch. Why?
All of the above ... hopefully. You left out humorous and entertaining. I'd hate to think how sadly boring this site would be without discussions, even the odd argument. People have opinions and, on this site, for the most part, offers them civily. Threads are sometimes drivien off track because a responant didn't read the OP, failed to parse the OP thoroughly or, as so often happens, goes for the laugh. And, we often get bored and feel the need to ... stir things up now and then. It takes all kinds to make a site interesting and ... we certainly have all kinds represented here ... thankfully.

Off-track posts have led to some of the most fondly remembered threads over the years. Think lights and
sea something (salt?).

K.E. Powell

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 20, 2022
West Virginia
At the risk of entertaining a rather cheap kind of irony and inviting ridicule in my direction, I don't think a contrarian is simply a person who derails conversations. A contrarian is a person whose opinions are typically (and often reflexively) in opposition to accepted wisdom. A person who dismisses an OP expressing difficulties in getting a charring light to stick isn't necessarily being contrarian. He's just being an asshole. And when it comes to pipe smoking, a lot of accepted wisdom is little more than superstition and personal prejudice, which makes contrarians a sometimes enlightening and even necessary part of the discussion.

Derailments happen frequently online, especially in a format where any number of anonymous members can chime in at any time. That is the nature of the beast.

Still, I understand your frustration. But as far as online communities go, this one has been one of the friendliest and most knowledgeable I've come across. There are the occasional trolls and contrarians to be sure, but the admins do a good job of keeping everything on track.
Jul 26, 2021
To answer the initial question posed, I like most responses and conversations for content, stories, humor, or opinions. If I didn't, I wouldn't post or actively read the threads (and would use the forum for research only).

This forum is a great resource and community. I avoid certain threads I may not care for (but do read these threads at times) and the ignore function has made the forum substantially more enjoyable.

A particular response post (in a thread about washing pipe cleaners) gave me pause before responding in many threads.

This is a pipe forum and people here typically smoke. We should take this into consideration when answering questions since people are looking for ideas to smoke in an affordable manner, try new things or ideas, or looking to correspond. Add a sense of humor, and it is a well balanced forum.


Oct 21, 2022
Pismo Beach, California
I find derailments more common than contrarian comments. There was a thread posted here not too long ago re: pipe smoking myths. Before long, it had become a thread about cheap wine somehow. Even after some very interesting and on-topic commenters attempted to get the conversation back on track, another comment would appear recalling high school experiences with MD20/20 and Boone's Farm.
Yeah, it's a thing.

But I think the mods do a great job keeping content respectful. Just 2 weeks ago some dude (don Muertos or something like that) was slinging sh*t around a thread. And he was gone faster than a tin of Esoterica.
Banned and gone!


Dec 30, 2018
I think the site offers a lot of valuable information, both for new folks and veteran pipe smokers, an amazing amount of historical knowledge about pipes and tobaccos, and more entertainment and generally good natured horseplay. And an occasional troll or disgruntled rant. Lots and lots of derailment, which can be quite entertaining and I’m sure equally frustrating, but most people who have lurked here for any amount of time must certainly expect some of that!!! It’s what makes this plan so fun.

fMf Piper

As a new pipe smoker and forum member, I find the forums to be very helpful. I haven't encountered anything where I thought another member was rude, offensive, or dismissive to anyone who actually was seeking help so far.

Part of what I enjoy about these forums is the sharing of experience and opinions on the various topics being discussed. Rather than taking the "my way or the highway" stance. I have found members sharing their opinions, experiences, and suggestions about how they do whatever the topic the thread is about. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't, and I don't mind that at all.

Along the lines of what @warren said, I think the world, and these forums, whould be a pretty boring place if we all agreed on absolutely everything, and someone didn't inject a little humor, sarcasm, etc. every now and then.

To answer your question, I would rate the level of discourse on as helpful.
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