The beginning of the end?

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May 10, 2012
Why don't they just let us be and go after the ones who drink too much instead?
Hey, wait a minute... that'd hit me, too! LOL



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 24, 2011
indeed- alcohol does FAR more harm to society than tobacco ever did (it is often said that if alcohol were introduced today as a new designer drug it would instantly be classed alongside LSD, heroin, coke etc...and made just as illegal)
it all comes down to money though: the booze industry is worth a colossal amount of it, the tobacco industry not so



Jun 2, 2010
Ok listen. I've had just about enough of these jackoffs threatening my right to be a harmless enjoyer of fine tobacco products and I certainly am not apathetic towards this threat. My thing is that I, like most of us, am busy with day to day life and don't have a ton of time to devote to this cause. I do, however, feel the need to do whatever I can at this point but need direction. What can each of us do as an individual that will make an actual difference, or what can we do as a group that would make a difference. I need to know that my efforts have a good chance of making a difference in this fight and not feel like it is a akin to fighting the government and the oil companies about the price of gas or utilities...we all know that is a losing battle. All of you guys and gals who consider yourselves activists or educated about this issue please tell us what we can do.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
God it seems as if more and more every year we lose more of the freedoms that have been in this country for 300 years.

I am going to read more about this legislature as I am not too familiar with it being quite new to pipes.

The vibe I am getting is that we are past the point of a petition being useful. Is that correct?

If not I will send mine in right away!

Does anyone know if there is anyway to still turn this around?



Jan 31, 2011
The only real answer to this and so many other issues is to take a holistic approach. It does no good for every individual and group to focus on fighting the system over their particular pet issue (in this case, tobacco). The only answer is to reestablish Constitutional government in the USA (I have no suggestions for other countries). IMO, the best way an individual can contribute to this goal is not to DO anything, but rather to STOP doing the things that support those who want to prevent the Constitution from being reestablished. The top 2 things IMO, are
1) STOP doing business with the large, transnational corporate entities who run our government, i.e.: STOP banking at the big mega your banking with local banks such as credit unions; STOP spending your money with the giant corporate chains...give your business to the local, independent businesses.
2) STOP supporting ANY political candidate who is a member of EITHER of the two major political parties...IMO you would be doing MUCH more good by not voting at all, than to vote for EITHER of the 2 major parties (which really are not separate at all behind the scenes, but are two heads of the same beast).
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. -- Henry D. Thoreau



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 1, 2012
God it seems as if more and more every year we lose more of the freedoms that have been in this country for 300 years.

I am going to read more about this legislature as I am not too familiar with it being quite new to pipes.

The vibe I am getting is that we are past the point of a petition being useful. Is that correct?

If not I will send mine in right away!

Does anyone know if there is anyway to still turn this around?
"seems". It not seems, it is. They have been taking away rights since probably the 60's it's seems to have begun to speed up. It's really easy to do when you have a divided country, you get the fools fighting each other as you go back and forth taking rights away. It always makes me laugh when I see gun rights people and pro choice people argue, in the end they are both fighting the same people for the same thing. Popular things don't require protection under law, its the unpopular things that need protecting.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 1, 2012
The only real answer to this and so many other issues is to take a holistic approach. It does no good for every individual and group to focus on fighting the system over their particular pet issue (in this case, tobacco). The only answer is to reestablish Constitutional government in the USA (I have no suggestions for other countries). IMO, the best way an individual can contribute to this goal is not to DO anything, but rather to STOP doing the things that support those who want to prevent the Constitution from being reestablished. The top 2 things IMO, are
1) STOP doing business with the large, transnational corporate entities who run our government, i.e.: STOP banking at the big mega your banking with local banks such as credit unions; STOP spending your money with the giant corporate chains...give your business to the local, independent businesses.
2) STOP supporting ANY political candidate who is a member of EITHER of the two major political parties...IMO you would be doing MUCH more good by not voting at all, than to vote for EITHER of the 2 major parties (which really are not separate at all behind the scenes, but are two heads of the same beast).
It amazes me how they have the electorate fooled that voting for an independent is a wasted vote, this is so wrong. Both established parties basically have entrenched bases, the actual election hangs on somewhere around 10% of independent, usually moderate, voters these few people control who gets elected. Even a few percentage points movement can foil the ambitions of the two established parties, so all of a sudden your independent vote is very important.



Oct 12, 2011
"When the poor get hungry enough,they will eat the rich"What these fools don't realize,is that this country was founded on revolution...Keep shittin on the middle class & see what eventually happens.What was it?

"Don't tread on me"It's us the 60 hr a week workin poor stiff that supports it all.The rich got theirs,we give the poor theirs,& they got the nuts to say we don't do enough.I wish I had the time and money to "go occupy" or go to a $40,000 dollar a meal fund raiser but I don't.I work 60 plus hrs a week tryin to put back money so I can have both hips replaced,back surgery,and try to not lose my house before I die.So tax my bacci to ya bastids!(sorry,venting) :evil:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 19, 2012
Wish I could start a cellar but its too expensive. I have to keep my orders less than 200grams and they end up around $55 shipped each time. If it weren't for the internet I would not be able to afford pipe smoking. I think if it was banned or taxed out of existence I would have to say goodbye to it, which would be a shame.



Jun 2, 2010
@Brian64: First let me say that I am a big Thoreau fan and that quote placed perfectly at the end of your banter gave me chills bro.
As to your points 1 and 2 all I can say is that I already do that...just my life style. I just want to know if there is anything that one or all of us can do specifically to make a difference. I agree that to fix such a problem where the majority is against us, the only real way to approach it is to beat them at their own game. This is my same argument against the occupy or any similar movement. You don't change a system that has more power than you by displaying the very behaviour that will have them label you as nothing more than boisterous delinquent deviants. You change that system by going to school and becoming politicians, policy makers, lawyers, judges...etc. and change their system into something that you desire it to be. At this point in the game, however, it is too late to start going to school and getting elected etc, so is there a certain body of government that we can appeal to and influence to make a change? There has to be some pipe/cigar smoking policy makers and influential people out there that would listen and be inspired to try to make a change in our favour no? Is there anyone currently on our side in the government?



Oct 12, 2011
ohin3,No there is not.follow the money trail.There is no tax money by helping us.If they are on our side,again it's about the money not our wishes..



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 1, 2012
Ohin3, the simple fact is what can you do for them, do you have money to give them so they can be reelected, do you control a large voting block so that they can get reelected, can you create tons of jobs in thier district so they can get reelected, if your answer is yes to any of those then you have a chance of influencing a politician. Oh ya there's one other thing if you can provide them with personal financial security for when they aren't reelected they will also be interested to talk to you.



Oct 12, 2011
Hell's fire shrek,don't even have to do that cause most of them are guarenteed lifelong pensions,health care, a secretary,& an office when they get out even if we throw them out(disclaimer,these rants are not directed to any political party,candidate,or other POS that got rich,stayed rich,got even ricer,his kids will be rich,etc,etc) :D



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 1, 2012
Sorry but that pension is just chump change and nowhere near enough to keep them in the lifestyle to which they've become accustom. They do like their socialized medicine though.



Jun 2, 2010
Not at all weezell...spit that fire right out when it wells up in you brother.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
You asked what you can do? Sorry, it is too late. The F.T.C.A. was enacted. You would have had to write your Representatives back in 2009! Then, the Law went into the implementation stage. Everyone could post their opinions on how to implement the new Law. There were thousands of responses, but they were mostly from the Anti-Smokers offering encouragement to wipe out any and all tobacco products. That phase has also ended long ago! Therefore, we are all along for the ride after losing the battle. We can only be thankful that this full implementation will take time. I have not been able to find a Politician that is interested in repeal of this law. I also have not ever found a Politician in my District that smokes a pipe. Our tobacco resources will gradually be thinning into extinction. Those that survive will be huge business and not the likes of McClelland or Cornell and Diehl. Their tobacco offerings will pale in comparison to what we enjoy today. All the effort I put in years ago to do my part to defend the pipe smoking community turned out to be a complete waste of time. Non-Tobacco politics is popular. The pipe smoking community is not popular. We are shunned by the public-at-large. This is all very sad! I hate what is happening to America.




Jun 2, 2010
So what you are saying is that I should stay my course and stock the hell out of my cellar like I am doing. that's about what I thought.

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