Yesterday, I managed to get the whole batch steamed, de-stemmed, and I started twisting. But, they weren't staying tight, so I was thinking about what could make them sticky. In talking to Woodsroads, I considered a casing. Honey was mentioned. I know most of the commercial blends are cased, almost all of them. But, I wanted this to be as natural as possible, merely because I can. So, I filled a pot with water and added a dollop of honey. A very small ratio. Then I got the water to boiling and placed a colander upside down over the pot. Then I placed a layer over the colander to get slightly steamed with the honey water. Not too sticky to work with, but just enough to bind the leaf when rolled to keep it very tight. I just steamed the largest of the bright yellow Virginia Gold. The red Virginia, darker tips, burleys were just left semi-moist, but unravelled.
Then I laid out the leaf on a cutting board.
And spread out the larger light colored leaves for the wrapper, and got darker towards the center.
The outer wrapper is tightly wound and twisted. It gets so tight that you can feel the juices start to drip down the tube.
I have several straight Virginia twists, several with a sprinkle of latakia that Woods sent me, and a dozen (One for each month of the year) are VaPers with just a hint of perquie added to boost fermentation and fruit it up.
The smell is intoxicating in here.
It may look rag tag, well, it is, ha ha.
I will cram these into large jars and put the in a crock pot for a couple of weeks. I will open the jars almost every day to allow the ammonia to escape and let in fresh oxygen. I will continue to vent the jar periodically for a couple of years, and then when it starts to get a fermented smell, vinegary, I will seal them up to start the real aging process.
I admit that I am mostly winging it here. I've researched and read over the speculations of others who grow. So, this is all 30% research, 60% guessing, and 10% blind luck.
Anyways, these are my Lovers Twists. Cosmic Twist seems to already be used, ha ha. Anyways, It's Lovers Twists, because Virginia is for Lovers. :wink: