Just received a pound of Peter Stokkebye: Cube Cut. Like the cube cut and like a knock around smoke , figured this would fit the bill. Also just got this morning in the mail a flip top tin of Prince Albert and one of Velvet from a very dear friend! Has the bar code on them but both say for pipe or cigarette. I'm thinking early 70s???...
Annnd, Christmas comes early! Woohoo! Along with a lifetime supply of Dunhill blends, including the notable Royal Yacht. The sharp eyed among you will notice I purchased my first tin of Black Frigate. I intend to use the Christmas season to have a head to head competition to determine who truly rules the waves! I am acquainted with the mind altering powers of Royal Yacht, but, I am curious if Black Frigate will really alter my DNA and/or cause me to always speak like a pirate? I did buy an eye patch and a parrot, just in case.
waiting to arrive from the country squire:
Fleur-de-Lis (Kentucky, Perique, Virginias)
Old Toby
Pirate's Alley (Virginia Perique)
Rivendell (Nutty, Woody, Cocoa)
I just had some some TAD hit me, snagged a few lbs of GLP's Triple Play ( I have really been enjoying JackKnife plug, so figured I would kick it up with Triple Play )
just bought some petersons perfect plug, Mac baren vanilla cream, cult blood red moon, C&D black frigate, SG chocolate flake and some McClelland blending latakia!
This came in today along with a pound of 2010 and 4 lbs of 4 year old St James Flake (thanks to a member here). Picked up a couple of the tins at a somewhat local shop on Monday night. Got a pretty nice sized shipment coming in from Tobacco Pipes tomorrow along with 10 tins each of McCranies Red Ribbon and Flake. The guy I got the Penzance from threw in 3 bags of Dunbar which I really didn't want. I'll sell or trade it at some point.