It does look pretty amazing!!
And to be fair, while it can be seen as a big investment, I was smoking a pack a day before I got into pipes. Still trying to cut down. But, a carton every 10 days adds up. Maybe it's just where I live, but after taxes/shipping, I got 39oz of flake for the same cost as a carton. And I'm certain it'll last me more than 10 days

I was surprised when a quick Google search said a carton is about 13oz of tobacco; some of which is reconstituted floor scraps mind you. I'll take 39oz of nice flake over that any day
So, I guess it was a risk I was willing to take. My tastes very well might change. But, I've also been smoking the same camel lights/blues for... 2 decades now?

I did start on Marlboro Lights to your point though. Tastes do change!!